Silence My Little Girl (Severus Snape)

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Smut, Submissiveness, defiance

2 months earlier.

"Come on y/n just come with me. Maybe you can help me." Father lupin is already nagging at your head again. You don't feel like going with him to that school at all anyway.
You don't know anyone there and everyone is going to ask you questions, No thanks.

After hearing the same question a few more times, lupin finally goes to sleep.
In doing so, he leaves you and father Sirius alone in the living room.

You both do your thing, until Sirius comes to you. Questioningly you look at him.
"I know you don't like to hear it, but please go with him.... It's going to be a full moon often and I can't go there every time to look at his wound and reassure him, that's too dangerous with my status." says Sirius.

You sigh deeply. "Think about it." mutters Sirius.

Now on the hogwarts Express.

The train slows down.
You look out and see the castle. It is absolutely enchanting! Still, you'd rather be home right now.

Along with father, you get off the hogwarts Express with a few other students.
It's terribly cold outside and everyone is rushing to the carriages as fast as they can.

Once inside the castle it's warm and there's quite a cozy atmosphere.
Especially now with all the Christmas decorations.

2 large doors on your left are open.
Papa lupin takes you inside.
4large tables with all students are all eating.

As you walk forward some students look at you and even a few start pointing at you.
You keep your gaze tight and walk with pre-syoke chest to the teachers table.

"Sit down," says lupin.
You take a seat at the table. "aah! Hello, you must surely be lupin's daughter." says a lady to your right.
"Yes ma'am, are you Sprout?" you ask uncertainly. "no my child, I am Mcgonagall." she replies. "oh! Pleased to meet you!" you say.

You look back at lupin and see that he is exchanging a few words with a man sitting next to him.
The man has black straight hair and is quite tall.
He turns a little further towards you.
Oy! That must be snape for sure. Good thing he makes wolfsbone potion for dad, but they say he always has an icy look.

"ah Severus, this is my daughter," says lupin.
He grabs your shoulder and pulls you a little closer.
The man's lip curls for a moment. "Pleasant." he then mutters. You nod quickly and then wriggle out of father's arms.

2 days later

You're starting to get pretty bored.
You certainly haven't seen everything yet, but you don't really need to either.
Dad is back teaching and you just wander around a bit.

Sometimes you walk into a few classrooms where there is no class. Maybe you'll find lupin there and you can talk to him....

Later in the day when classes are almost over you walk into a classroom without thinking.
Shit! Class! You quickly pull the door closed and walk a few steps further until you hear the door open again. You turn around, only to see Severus' frustrated icy eyes.
"Sorry, I didn't realize there was class," you mutter. "Wait here, we'll chat in a bit." he says and then goes back inside
Stunned, he leaves you behind.

You decide to do what he said and wait against the wall until his lesson is over.

At exactly the right time the door opens and students walk out.
This is followed by Severus who looks at you from head to toe with his arms crossed. "Why did I have to wait?" you ask so that the silence is broken.

one shot alan rickman characters (but mostly Snape) Where stories live. Discover now