Little One (Severus Snape)

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No smut, kiss, sleeping, revealing secrets, Uncertainty

You're waking up like always. Ginny shakes you awake and then leaves because she knows well enough that you have a TERRIBLE morning Mood. You moan loudly and put your head back under the blanket.

Normally you can't sleep anymore, but you had a terrible night with many nightmares so you fall back asleep.
An hour later you Wakes up. Worried you look around and see the clock.
you think. You jump out of bed and put your clothes on.
You run of the stairs and enter the classroom. Everyone looks at you.
"miss y/n, you're late and your uniform isn't complete." McGonagall says. "sorry professor I-I overslept." you mutter. Some ravenclaws laugh and point at you. "y/n, come." McGonagall says. You walk up to the front of the class, trying not to make eye contact with McGonagall.

"you're going to help me with a transfiguration exercise." she says. You look scared around. All the eyes from the students are on you, your anxiety is screaming!
You look scared around trying to find someone that will help you. "ready?" you hear McGonagall saying. You don't answer. She taps her wand on your shoulder and imideatly after you feel your body becoming limb. Your legs feeling watery and your View turns black for a few seconds.
"aahww! It's a kitten" you hear some girls saying. Lifting your head up you see some people standing up and walking to you.

You look around for the Closest door. Next to the closet you see a black door. You slip trough McGonagall's legs and run op to the door.
"miss y/l/n! Stay here!" she says while trying to grab you.
You Dodge all her Attempts to grab you and run straight to the door. Slipping trough the little Opening Between the door and wall.

You come in a Corridor where you never have been before. It's lighted with beautiful Lamps. It's a small corridor, but it's really long.
You hear McGonagall running trough the door and decide to run further. Running so fast you have to decide left or right. You choose right, but because you're so close to the wall already, you don't have time to slow down a bit. You bump into the wand really hard and lose Consciousness.

You wake up in warm big hands holding you. Slightly you open your eyes. Seeing the Tiles on the ground passing you lean a big further on the Edge from the hands. "Careful little one." you hear a deep voice saying. You turn to the man who's holding you and stare at the face of your professor from potions.
You shock and try to jump from the hands. He lays his other hand on your back and holds you tighter. "no worries!" he says and pushes you against his Chest. From the moment he looses his hands around your body you think of escaping again, but something holds you from doing it.
Maybe it's the relaxing Rhythm of his heart beating, or his warm hands giving you a safe place, maybe it's Way he talks to you. You will never know..

He walks up to a dark door. Shit! His dorm! You think. Before you could even attempt to jump he was already inside.
You jump off his hands and scratch the door. "Quiet, quiet, don't worrie." he cooed.
Again he takes you in his hands and caries you to the couch. He starts petting you. Don't! Don't! I have to go away here! I-I no I can't! Wh- where I-Is... Your panic makes place for an Flood from relaxing. Unwilling you stratch your back and lean closer into his chest. "good" he praises you.
You lay yourself confortable. Slowly you start getting trouble to stay awake. He still pets your back. "sleep little one." he mutters.
As if he had hypnotised you, you close your eyes and fall into a big black hole.

The next day you wake up in a large bedroom. You're curled up into black blankets. You feel the air of someone Inhaling and exhaling against your hair. Wh-what?! You think in shock. Quickly you stand up and recognize that you're still a cat, but not disappointed For some reason?
You Clim on Snape and stare at him. He doesn't wake up so you start settling in his sleep hoody.
He turns around and you have to jump away to not get Crashed. "moaaw!" you let out. Snape opens his eyes slightly. He looks at you. "oh, sorry little one." he Mutters. Excuse me!! Morning voice in coming!! You think.
He holds you again and pulls you back into his sleeve.
You close your eyes again attempting to fall back asleep. "no no no no no no!" Severus says sweetly. "I have to go teach." he mutters. Shit! He has my class! You jump on his lap praying not to go. "you want to come with me?" he asks while petting you.
You roll on your back as answer. "good!" he says.

one shot alan rickman characters (but mostly Snape) Where stories live. Discover now