Chapter 8

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Soon after that, Tooth and Sandy came in.

"North, we saw the lights." Tooth said "Is something wrong? Is it Pitch?" But North just repeated what he had said to me.

"Vhen we are all here I vill explain. Ve vill vait." Tooth looked like she wanted to argue but then she spotted me.

"Breeze you're back! Where have you been? Are you alright?" She gasped "Are your teeth all right."

Before I could respond to this barrage of questions, she opened my mouth and began to inspect my teeth.

"'my 'eeth are fine 'ooth."I said "Sandy, 'his isn't funny. 'op laughing." She finally did stop, satisfied that my teeth were undamaged. "Hecate trapped me" I said "I was finally released today. Does any of you have the faintest idea of what is going on?" They shook their heads.

"I saw the lights and came here as soon as I could" Tooth said. Sandy nodded as well to indicate that the same had happened to him as well.

"I went to visit Sulis for reasons I will leave unknown" I said "When I got there, her palace was in ruins. Sulis was dead." They both looked shaken at this news.

"But Sulis was a very powerful Spirit" Tooth said shocked "What happened to her pixies? Are they dead as well?"

"No, but that's the odd thing." I turned to the Sandman "Sandy, it looked like they were asleep, but the dreamsand above their heads was black and I couldn't wake them." His look darkened and he made an image in the dreamsand above his head.

"Pitch Black?" I said "But didn't you guys defeat him, like, twice now. And like you said, Sulis was a lot more powerful than he is. Not even he could take her down. Not alone."

Our conversation was cut short as a snow globe portal opened and a yeti stepped out bearing a red sack that was twisting and yelling.

"Put me down, you deamon. Let me go!"

"Merida?" I said. The sack stopped moving.

"Breeze? Is that you?"

"Yep" I said. I took the sack from the yeti and helped her out. "What are you doing here."

"I don't know, ask that thing." She said angrily "It chased me'n Angus down and threw me in a sack."

"North does have unhealthy obsession with using the sacks" I said "I keep trying to get him to stop but he never listens to me." I turned to the two Guardians "Merida this is Tooth and Sandy, the Guardians of Memories and Dreams. Guys, this is Merida the Spirit of Magic." They exchanged greetings and then Merida turned back to me.

"But what am I doin' here" She said anxiously

"Beats me" I said "North chased me down as well and brought me here. He won't tell any of us why, although I think it's safe to say it's nothing good."

We fell silent for awhile, watching North as he paced the globe room, muttering indistinctly to himself. "Tooth" I said suddenly remembering something North had said. "Do you know who Cernunnos is?"

"He's the Spirit of Spring, I believe." She said "Why do you ask."

"North sent Bunny to warn him." I said "He didn't say what he was warning him of though. I think he is maybe who we're waiting for." Sandy made a golden snowflake over his head. "And Jack" I agreed "Speaking of Jack, where is he? Shouldn't he have responded to the lights as well."

"In theory-yes." Said Tooth "In practice-not so much. Jack still getting used to being part of a team and he's sort of a free Spirit."

Merida made a disbelieving noise under her breath. "Sort of" She mumbled incredulously.

"He will get here as soon as he see's the lights" Tooth said "But knowing Jack...that could be hours."

The floor of the pole gave way to a tunnel and Bunny stepped out. "It was too late." He said to North "By the time I'd gotten there, Cernunnos's glade had be destroyed."

"Vas there a battle?" North asked urgently

"No, it looked like the whole place had died." Bunny said "It was the same thing with Thallo's home. It had all decayed and rotted."

"Namtar?" North said

"Namtar." Bunny agreed.

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