Chapter 29

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Once had set up his tent/house thing(Another one on his inventions) and was playing ring around the tent with a small furry animal that had a huge yellow mustache. It was kicking up the steaks that held his tent up and Once was hammering them back in.

"Time for you to go, Beanpole" It said

"Pull them right out, just gonna put the right back in" Once said to the creature "I can do this all day" This went on for a while, until Once grabbed a small Barbaloot instead of the steak.

"Whoa, stop right there, stop it!" The creature said "So, you'd hammer one of nature's innocent creatures"

"What! No, I'd never hurt this little guy" Once said "You on the other hand, I would gladly pound you and your mustache into the ground!"

I couldn't help it any more. I burst out laughing at this bizarre scene. They both looked over at me as I laughed helplessly.

"Who are you" The creature grunted. Once stood up

"This is my best friend Breanna, who prefers to go by Breeze. Breeze this is the Lorax."

"What's a Lorax" The Lorax looked shocked

"Are you telling me that neither of you have heard of me!" I shook my head. "Guardian of the forest, I speak for the trees. Is any of this ringing a bell?"

"Nope,sorry" I said "Can I ask why you were trying to kick Once out."

"He was chopping down the Tree's" The Lorax said "And he tried to hurt Pipsqueak"

"I chopped down one tree" Once said "One, as in singular. And I told you I'd never hurt Pipsqueak, that was an accident. But you, as I said before, I would gladly pound you and your mustache into the ground!"

"Behold" Mustache (as I had decided to call him) said to the forest critters "The intruders and their violent ways. Shame of you. For Shame" This seemed to infuriate Once and he got right up in Mustache's face shaking his finger.

"You know what, that's it! You listen to me, you furry meatloaf! I'm going to chop down as many trees as I need, ok. News flash. Not going anywhere!" We walked to the door of his tent. "End of story!" He slammed the door.

"Then you leave me no choice" I jumped and Once screamed like a girl. Mustache had somehow gotten behind the door. "If you two aren't gone by the time the sun sets in this valley, all the forces of nature will be unleashed upon you and curse you until the end of your days. You have been warned." Which was all very nice and dramatic and actually might have worked in scaring us away, until he tried to reach the door handle and couldn't. We watched him struggle for a second, until I opened it for him.


"Yeah, ok," I said skeptically

" You have been warned" He said and then left. The rest of the day went very well. Once and I worked on the Thneed and finally finished it by sundown. We said goodnight and I went back to my tent for bed. I changed into pajamas and turned off the light. It wasn't the end of the day though. There was a whole lot of trouble for both Once and I tonight.

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