Eren X Reader: Always and Forever

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eren remembers the day he knew he was in love with you.

it was a regular day, normal routine, normal schedule, normal everyday life.

you had been talking about something you were passionate about. rambling on and on about every little thing on your mind, your hands flying all over the place as you spoke, performing different gestures, matching the raw emotion in your sentences.

you were telling him about the different things you loved, the different things you hated, the different things you didn't even know how you felt about.

he remembered the way your eyes were shining, waves of passion gleaming when eren looked into them, your lips moving as you spoke, your body language, the huge smile on your face that made his heart do somersaults and flips, eren remembered it all.

he felt happy. happy that he was the first person you went to when something new popped up in your mind, happy that you trusted him so much to tell him everything on your mind.

he felt loved.

and his heart suddenly started beating faster than normal, practically beating out of his chest.

as he looked into your eyes, he could feel his heart swell, his breath hitching in his throat.

he's never felt like this before, he doesn't know what this strange new feeling is.

but when you enveloped him in a warm hug, giggling into his neck, that's when he knew.

eren knew he was in love.


eren remembers the day he proposed to you.

he was an absolute mess the whole week. sweaty palms, heart practically beating out of his chest, constantly tripping over his words, even more than he already did whenever he was around you.

he had planned out the perfect night, bought the perfect ring he just knew you would love, and planned out exactly everything he would say to propose to you.

and when it was time, he had gotten on one knee, brought out the box carrying the ring, and he did it.

but somehow, the words he had prepared got stuck in his throat, and he ended up saying something absolutely stupid, in his own eren way. and it made the proposal even better.

and while he awaited your response, he had never felt more scared in his entire life.

yes, he was scared of a lot of things, and he was scared about what your answer would be, but he knew that he was not scared about spending the rest of his life with you.

in fact, he couldn't wait.

and when the words came stumbling out of your mouth, eren was stunned. he doesn't even remember exactly what you said, but what he does know is that he had never felt that happy in his entire life.

after getting over the initial shock, he immediately stood up, wrapping his arms around you and squeezing you so so tight, like he just couldn't ever let go.

he had found his person.

and in your ear, he whispered, "it's you and me."

and you responded, "always and forever."


now, eren is standing patiently, waiting for you to waltz down the aisle, and he's about to marry the person he loves most in his life.

and when he sees you, all the air is knocked out of his lungs.

the only thing he can think is, wow.

you just look so beautiful.

and eren thinks back to all the different times his mom had said, "honey, someday, you're going to marry the love of your life."

and he as a child would always respond, "eww, mom, that's gross."

but now, he actually is about to marry the love of his life.

his soulmate.

and as you walk down the aisle, the smile that grows on his face is probably the biggest he has ever had.

he thinks he even feels some tears pooling in his eyes.

"hi," is what he says to you when you come to stand in front of him. he doesn't trust himself to say anything else without making a fool of himself.

and during the ceremony, eren tries his absolute best to pay attention to the officiant, he does, but he just can't stop staring at you, and all the words fade away.

he can't believe that this is his moment. his moment to let go, and just be with the person he loves. to feel peace, and at ease.

and when you perform your vows, he swears his heart melts into a puddle in his chest.

he's never felt this loved before.

and when he does his own, he completely goes off script, deterring from everything he had written down.

he just says everything he is feeling, everything you, and only you, make him feel.

he's finally found that happiness he's been searching for. that happiness he thought he would never get, thought he never deserved.

but it's here. right in front of him. and he's never going to let go.

finally, the officiant says the words he's been waiting for. "you may now kiss."

and eren kisses you like never before.

he kisses you like it's the last time he'd be able to, and through this kiss, he shows you every emotion that he's feeling.

and when he hears the wolf whistles in the background, surely from his best friends, he smiles against your lips, pulling you even closer to him.

eren was never one to believe in true love, never one to believe in all that soulmate crap.

but in this moment, he believes it all. because you made him feel this way.

and as he pulls away, he whispers into your ear, "it's you and me."

and as always, you respond, "always, and forever."

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