Chapter 7

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Your POV
I looked at him and my expression changed from pitiful to normal. By normal, I mean severe resting bitch face.
"I have a first aid kit. Just tell me where you're injured."
I took out the kit and started treating his wounds. He winced when you put ointment on him.
"Oi, don't be a baby, I thought you were a hitman" I said, not stopping.
"Okay yeah but neosporin stings"
I glared at him.
"Seems like a you problem."
I wrapped some bandages on his injuries and put away the kit.
"That wasn't so hard, was it?"
I said in a rude yet playful tone.
"Maybe killing you won't be so hard"
He muttered, and you just barely heard. The atmosphere seemed to change into a dreadfully aggressive one.
"Aaaaaanyways.... you brought me here, why don't you introduce me to the...... them."
You vaguely gestured to the rest of the gang and he glanced from them, back to you.
"I thought that was your job. This is a gang not a daycare"
He seemed to curse at you under his breath. You walked over to a man in purple clothes, a blonde bob cut, and a mask with one eye hole. You wondered how his other eye wasn't irritated or infected.
"Hey, I'm (y/n), who're you?"
His eye seemed to light up as soon as you said that and he looked at you
"Oh di molto! A new recruit! I've been getting tired of the assholes here.."
From the other room, Ghiaccio yelled in a shrill tone that stung your ears like piercing cold temperatures,
You flinched at the last part. The temperature seemed to drop a bit. Such strange things were happening after you were struck by a strange arrow. A blonde man with less feminine style than the one you were talking to walked in and cut off both people before they could continue bickering.
"Oi oi OI! won't you guys give it a rest?"
It got quiet for a second before everyone resumed
"Anyways, the names Melone."
He held out his hand and you shook it. Maybe this job would be a little more exciting than expected. "You already know mr freeze over there," he said with a slight chuckle. Ghiaccio yelled something out but you were too focused on something across the room. You saw a humanoid appear behind the blonde masculine man. You went pale.

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