Light at the end of the - oh wait nvm

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Lance's POV-

 I can feel my feet running down a familiar dreary road. I'm fleeing from something. It feels as if I can barely breath. 

"Alejandro did you think you could hide from me for ever?" Rustling noise is coming around the corner. "No please not here I don't want to be here." my small voice shakes.

"You pathetic child once I get my hand- tell me what you see!" 


Run ... 

- * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - *

I jolt awake. I'm surrounded by a bright light and the smell of bleach fills my senses. Something is holding my hand. Wait no- some one  was holding my hand. Why?

A blur of red and black seems to be trying to tell me something. They are squeezing my hand really tightly. I should say something to the red blob.

"ttthhetts huurts" I manage to make out while pointing my head to my seized hand.

"Oh i am so sorry I am just so glad you are awake!" red blob states

"ssshanks Mister red blob" i say. Is it just me or is the room spinning? Anyone flying either? No? Just me? cool. 

Suddenly I hear a choked laugh as I rub my eyes into focus. There is now two people I can see. one emo kid that I think was in my class earlier, he was ok kind of scary though. I left my head to see a burly man dressed up in a black letterman. 

Oh No. Scary man with "I'm gonna kill you" man in the same room. With me in the room as well.

I squeeze my eyes shut. "please go away please go away" I prey in my head. 

"Hello little blue. How are you?" kill you man spoke like he wasn't the one who just chased me.

I squeak and try to make myself smaller. I have learned that it is easier to get a lighter beating if i was as small as possible. Hopefully it will work again.

"Hey its ok we wont hurt you. Well we wont hurt you ever again." the scary man said while glaring at the other man. I don't reply as I look for all of my escaping options.

"Um well. My name is Keith and this idiot is Shiro! I am so sorry that you had to get caught up in our miscommunication." this Keith person said.

I couldn't take it any more as quickly unwrap myself from the blankets and run right out of the room.

Leaving behind two very confused gays.

A / N!

Hello again, Its Blue! I hope you enjoyed todays chapter. I wrote it after I read some killer ideas from the lovely Applejuice999, I hope you liked my spin on this! I kind of like the way the story went. I promise Keith wont be as "nicely worried" you could say, in the future. Trust the process darlings.


Sayonara for now!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2021 ⏰

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