The Unexpected Text

414 9 0

Shiro pov

It is about ten minutes to lunch when my phone vibrates in my pocket.   

Keith: Emobaby 

Shiro:  SpaceDad

Emobaby: Hey Shiro, I really need to find the lightroom.

I stared in utter shock at my phone. Did Keith just use the safe words? 

SpaceDad: On my WAY.

I quickly grab my bags racing out the door as if a Demon was chasing me. I had to get to the janitors closet now, Keith could be in trouble/danger or severely hurt/in pain.

* time skip* ( brought to you by my lazy butt )

I set my bags down next to Keith's. Who currently is shaking now in my arms as tears soak into my shirt.

"I'm soo sorry. I'm soo sorry. I'm soo sorry.  I'm SOOOO SORRY. I'M SO SORRY!" Keith began to wail. I don't understand what he did or what happened but whatever it was it was really and I mean really BAD.

"Hey, you are ok. I'm here now. We can figure this out whatever it is." I calmly whisper as I rub circles over his back.

"It's Blue," he whispers to me." I can see it on your clothes." I look down at my clothes to me they are grey and a dark black. I look into my love's shining eyes his eyes show nothing but the truth as I finally understand why he freaked out.

"Sweetheart, look at me, do think that seeing color because of another, would ever make me stop loving you?" I asked as he slowly nodded tears swelling in his eyes. 

"You are too precious to me, love. Now tell me, who this person is?" I quickly asked as continued to whisper sweet nothings to him. 

Keith sniffled saying " Lance.....sniffle.... 'blue'.........L-lance Mc-Clain."

I hugged my love tighter as I planned to find this BLUE Lance McClain who made Keith cry and shake with fear.

Just you wait, McClain. Just you Wait. 



HELLO!! I had a lot of fun with this chapter! Please don't hate Shiro, he protecc his emo boyfriend, and he hasn't met lance yet sooooo next chapter I suppose..... ; ) 

Sayonara for now! <3 

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