Unfortunate Events

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Lance pov.

Crazy. Pain. Dark. Scary.

I'm running from this very angry looking man and I have no idea what I did!

Ok, let's go back to before my day turned to shit.

I was going to my next period which was art, this school is crazy big I'm struggling to find my next classroom. I made friends with Hunk is the literal personification of the sun so bright and warm! I also meet a tech genius named pidge we had a " fun " time in during advanced chem, we really went out with a bang! Anyway, I am now on my way to the lunchroom but somehow I completely passed it. I found this old abandoned art room and decided to spend my lunch in here. 

(one lunch period later) 

And..... Done! I finished! I cleaned the entire place and ended up finding a piano. i should probably head to class now. 

( time skip to lazy to write him walking through a maze of a school ; ) )

Advanced History room 501 Dr. Prince.

Hmmm, guess this is it. I open the door to find the most intimidating scene.  So many people and one is glaring straight at me.  the nice-looking white-haired teacher smiled and waved at me to come in.

" Alright, sweetie why don't you introduce your self? Dr. Prince asked.

I'm shaking I may be loud and obnoxious with my family but in public, I am completely different I have social anxiety due to bullying at my old school I became selectively mute from first to seventh grade. 

"Um... h... hi .... my name is... Lance ... Mc Clain... nice .... to meet ... you." I mumble, golly I was much better this morning. And if the scary man's glare could kill lance would be torn piece by piece and die. This is going to be one quiet year for Lance.....



Hello! It's been a while and man I forgot to write! Anyway, a cliffhanger-ish and poor baby Lance. I hope to write as soon as possible! have a wonderful October y'all!

Sayonara for now!  

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