Just a Small Misunderstand- Shiro No!

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A/N- Hello again! Sorry for not updating. I had little to no motivation and I have ADHD so its a little hard to stay on topic. On another note, Holy sugar water! Thank y'all for enjoying my story : ) It makes me so happy to see the love for this story! I can't promise constant updates but your feedback and ideas are always welcome. So without further ado: ON WITH THE STORY!

Keith POV

Oh no, Shiro was mad like possessive mad and I threw poor little blue under the bus when he did nothing wrong. 

I wont see Shiro until the next period. I hope to all the Gods out there that he doesn't do anything brash.

Damn. You know, I just jinxed myself. Here we go.

I run down the hallway to meet Shiro when I turn the corner to see...

"SHIRO! Oh god what did you do?!" I yell. This idiot had the audacity to smile like he just did the most amazing feat while standing in front of an unconscious body. 

"Hi my love, I saved you!" Shiro smiled

I stare at the small form on the floor feeling so guilty. not only was he new but he was also hurt because I couldn't process my words to Shiro! I quickly walk past him and pick up the unreasonably light boy off the ground. 

" you are going to apologize to him when he wakes." I glared at Shiro.

"WHAT? Why this little monster made you cry?! I had every right to defend you." he called after me.

"Would you look around?" I pause " Shiro, I know you he would be dead if there wasn't some connection and you don't even know him. So chill out, and look like really look around us."

I watch as he slowly realizes what I'm saying. His eyes widened and his gaze quickly passed between me and lance. He slowly walks up to me and Lance with glistening eyes.

" I... I didn't know... I wasn't... I didn't even realize my world change." He says with tears in his eyes. I smile and kiss his cheek.

"Its ok you big lug," I smile "You were trying to protect my "honor" or whatever and that's why I love you." We slowly make our way down to the nurse, because honestly this poor boi is one: too light, two: has a bruise on his head and might have a concussion and three is bleeding a little.

Suddenly smol boi stirred .  


Hello loves! I did it! Kind of like I promised but a bit late. I hope you enjoyed and bear with me, I promise I try to deliver,  but I have no plans for this story. So if you want you can send me a message, I might use your idea! I will tag you of course. 

As always-

Sayonara for now!

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