15 - Way Back Then

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- A/N : Hey lovelies! I'm sorry but this chapter will be another flashback chapter. At least, for half of it. If you don't like it, here's the door🚪. For those of you who will like it, I hope you enjoy this.

- Viewer discretion is advised

June 18, 2004

I'm enjoying the summer breeze. Life is good. At least, on the outside it is. I don't want to say I've grown to love Tommy.

I've grown to love having sex with Tommy. I don't think it's because the sex is good. Don't get me wrong, the sex is great. I think I love sex with Tommy because of the thrill of the chase.

I like the secrets we share. I like that we share something that no one else knows about. But what I don't like is knowing that Tommy has had many sexual partners before me.

It doesn't make me jealous. It makes me feel disgusting because the saying is "You've slept with everybody your partner has".

So, I'm pacing around Tommy's room when he swings the door open.

"What's wrong?" Tommy's voice questions as he closes the door.

I sigh before continuing to pace, as if I didn't hear him.

"You pace in circles when something's wrong. When you're just thinking, it's back and forth. But when something is wrong, circles." he states.

"Did you have a question to ask me, Thomas?" I ask a little harshly.

"See, you used to sound sexy when you called me Thomas. Now, it just sounds like I'm a creep that's bothering you." Tommy replies.

"Did you have a question for me?" I query once more.

"The polygamy comment was below the belt." he tells me.

"Because it's so untrue?" I respond in a questioning tone.

"You're playing the past on the fact that I like to sleep with you?" Tommy quizzes.

I chortle a little before rubbing my hands together.

"Come on! Don't belittle what we do together, Ava. It's insulting and beneath you. It's designed to drive me away. I'm not going away!" he shouts.

"I don't have to drive you away! You're a manwhore. You're going to be the CEO of one of the most successful companies in the world. You are away. By definition, you're away. You're unavailable!" I yell back.

"So this is about my sexual partners?" Tommy asks.

"N-No. This is-. I probably smile at them and I take off my clothes for you. I wait for you. I watch for you. My whole life is you. I can't breathe because I'm waiting for you. You own me. You control me. I belong to you. I told you we weren't doing this again but I can't live without having you. I-." I ramble before getting cut off.

"You own me! You control me! I belong to you! You think that I don't want to be a better man? You think that I don't want to dedicate myself to one person? You don't think I want to be honorable, to be the man you love? I love you. But not in the way you want me to." he exclaims.

He steps closer towards me, forcing me to finally look at him.

"You are the very best of me, Ava. Always have been. Always will be. My every feeling is controlled by the look on your face. I can't breathe without you. I can't sleep without you. I wait for you! I watch for you! I exist for you! I wish I could escape from all of this and run away with you. Our escape is this room. There's no stray women or Oliver here. You're nobody's victim, Ava. I belong to you! We're in this together!" Tommy exclaims.

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