Chapter One

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Hello everyone! I had an idea for this story years ago as a little flash fic and about a year ago I decided to turn it into a full-fledged story.

As of current, I have just over 12 chapters and the story is planed at 13 chapters and an epilogue. The first few chapters are relatively short but they do get longer as the story continues. I will try my hardest to consistently update (but don't worry the story will be fully completed soon, I'm not abandoning this one) I also have some art that I have made of the characters that I will be sharing on some of the chapters to give you a nice visual.

Well, I assume you want to get onto the story. Enjoy! 

Theo Smith was your typical citizen, a perfectly average man out on a walk with his dog. But he was only average and ordinary on the surface, he certainly wanted to be just average and plain, he didn't want anyone to notice him. He wanted your eyes to pass right over him, a boring man with his dog. Unfortunately below the average man, there was an extraordinary one. A man who held enough power to topple the greatest of cities, the power to make everyone around him live in fear, and he had. He had the entire city under his hand, no one could go anywhere or do anything without his knowledge. He had been feared and none could take him down, well almost none. The Incident had been the end of it all, he had fallen far and realized much. He traded in his extraordinary life of Danger and Power, for an ordinary one. One where no one gave him much thought, and if they ever did it was just a passing remark about his cute puppy or that he seemed a little lonely. Though no one gave Theo any thought, just the way he liked it, he was still quite proud that many believed the great and terrible villain Soul Slayer would return any moment, he never would but it was nice to know that he had made an impact.

He was out on a walk with his new puppy on an ordinary day when he realized he would need some cash and he stepped into the bank after tying his dog outside. Inside the bank there was a small line for the atm so he went up to the teller instead, a mistake, for as soon as he stepped up to the teller he was grabbed from behind and felt the cool press of a gun to his head.

"Get the money and put it in the bags, and don't try anything or he gets it" The captor pressed the gun harder into his head, he had to play along, play whatever silly game these weaklings wanted to play, ordinary men certainly didn't have the power to suck the power and life force from people, only one man could do that and he didn't want to have to leave the life he had made for himself, he quite liked being Theo Smith. He stood there pretending to be in fear and chastising himself for not seeing this coming, he had let his guard down, he had thought he would be safe. But Theo did not have the same protections that Soul Slayer did, the name didn't strike fear into the hearts of all. It just made people think of an ordinary man, somehow he had forgotten this. It was bound to happen eventually, even after his fall the city still had one of the highest crime rates in the world, but that was slowly going down. He should have moved cities but he just couldn't find it in himself.

"Hurry Up" His captor grumbled, who seemed to be the one in charge. It snapped him out of his wallowing, if he couldn't use his powers he would have to think his way out. He heard the pathetic whimpers of the other people in the bank, there seemed to be about 5 men plus the one holding him, he tried to gauge their positions and wished he was facing the other way. He heard a gasp and then the sound of breaking glass, the man holding him whipped around finally letting him see the rest of the room. He was right there had been 5 other men but now there was someone else.

His old nemesis.

His hero. 

AN/ hope this got you hooked! Any love showed to the story is greatly appreciated.

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