Chapter 7

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AN/ Ok tbh I'm not sure if the reads on this story are simply my own (as I skim over it to make sure the format worked) but I'm going to keep posting on here. There is another piece of art at the end of this chapter. Enjoy!

By the time they had to leave Nick had gotten much better at the whole not looking like a hero thing, he still looked like a good upstanding citizen but at least he didn't look like a hero, it was a good start. As they waited for the hired limo to arrive Theo tried to think of a way out of this, it was an immensely bad idea, not only would Ash kill them as soon as she saw who he had brought, the one-man Ash had told him not to bring, but there was also the other thing. The thing that made it so he couldn't look at Nick without feeling short of breath, why on earth had he let him wear that tie, they had to match, but that suit made Nick look like he was his. No. This was fake there was no way that Nick wanted him, this was so they could go talk to Ash, assuming she didn't kill them first. Though that was assuming he was even able to get to the party alive, they had gotten in the limo and Nick kept looking at him when he thought he wouldn't notice. Between Ash and Nick, there was no way he was going to survive the night.

They arrived, it was seemingly inconspicuous it looked like a parking garage to the outside eye. Nick looked confused as they went down into the sub-levels and tensed when they went through the fake wall. This is where he felt truly at home, he fixed a purple and black lace masquerade mask to his face and handed Nick a matching one, somehow it made Nick look even hotter. Something Theo kept thinking was impossible, he was constantly proven wrong. They stepped out of the limo into the wonderfully decorated cave, the voluminous cavern was decorated with floating lights that created a soft glow throughout the cavern. They were currently on one side of a velvet rope where a line was starting to form, the other side of the rope had eloquent banquet tables and would be cleared away later to create the dance floor. Nick began to wander towards the end of the line looking up at the lights in wonder.

"Where are you going?"

"The end of the line?" Nick said confused

"Tisk tisk, the line is for villains who aren't powerful and well known, and well I'm the most powerful one here easily, and you're my-" he blushed slightly and hoped that Nick couldn't see it in the dim lighting "-you're my date"

"Oh" Nick looked down slightly, was he blushing! Before he could investigate further a booming voice called out,

"Soul Slayer is that you" Philip looked up, on he saw the man who had called out on the other side of the barrier,

"Lord Thunder it has been too long," he said casually strolling past the bouncer without question, Nick trailed behind him.

"It truly has," the man was short and plump dressed in a slightly nicer version of his regular tan suit, the mask over his face was really only for this event, he was one of the few villains that didn't wear a mask, he was constantly ambushed by heroes for it. They made some light conversation for a little bit, Nick was just standing next to him listening. Theo would have to remember to tell him later that there could not be a sudden increase in the arrest rate of everyone he talked to.

"Anyway, whos this?" Lord Thunder looked over at Nick

"This is my date, you may call him Ghost" Theo put his arm around Nick in what he hoped was a casual way and using the name he had used for previous non-villain dates he had brought, though he had forgotten to tell Nick about the name, he took it well though only letting the confusion show for a second before smiling nicely at Lord Thunder,

"Nice to meet you," he said. Lord Thunder nodded politely,

"Well this has been wonderful, but I must go greet others. See you later" Lord Thunder said politely before walking over to another cluster of villains.

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