Chapter 10

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A/N ok so it has been a while since I published on here, the story has been done for months now but I wasn't getting as much (or any reach here) vs what I was getting on AO3 so I kinda forgot about it. Here is this chapter, I can't promise that I won't forget again due to lack of engagement here.

 He awoke to Ash banging on his door. He didn't want to get up Nick had his arms wrapped around Theo and he felt safe for once in his life.

"Theo get your ass up. This is important." He groaned moving to stand, Nick's arms tightened around him, the big oaf was still asleep. Ash pounded on the door again,

"I'm ccomming, I'm coming" He untangled himself from Nick who seemed to finally be waking up. He opened the door, Ash was standing on the other side, already fully dressed in her Storm costume. He rolled his eyes, morning people.

"What." whatever she woke him up for better be important.

"Two things, first I made pancakes"

"You woke me up for pancakes" He went to close the door in her face, she put her hand out stoping it

"Second, and more importantly," she held up her phone, on the screen was an article by the Underground, a news site that was exclusively for villains,
"Legendary Villain Soul Slayer Has Compromised Us All" He looked up at Ash confused,

"Look at the by line" he looked back at the article, an opinion piece by puppeteer

"No-" he knew that snake would do something he skimmed the article

'As we all know last night was the Annual Villain Conference and Reunion (AVCR). I'm sure you noticed that our very own celebrity, the Legendary Soul Slayer had a new Ghost on his arm. This however was no ordinary Ghost of his. The man he had on his arm was none other than the Hero Commander.' he looked at Ash

"No one will believe him, he's tried to slander me before. Everyone will just see this as a jealous ex"

"Keep reading" he weary looked back at the phone

'Now I know many of you won't believe me, we did date at one point, how do you know this isn't just jealousy? The answer to that question is to just think, The stunt that Soul Slayer pulled earlier that day. He helped the hero out, and what was his excuse? Mind control. Now I know I'm far from the only one who has those powers, but has anyone been able to seriously control Soul Slayer? That's part of what made him so legendary, his supernatural ability to resist the commands of mind control.' Theo was spiraling, no one would believe this, right? If they did he was in trouble. He opened the comments. There were a few skeptical comments from his closest allies, as well as some from those he had intimated too far to ever stand against him. However much to his dismay, a majority of them were agreeing with the article.

"This is exactly why I told you not to bring him," Ash looked angry at him, "even I can't come up with anything to save you from this hole you've dug yourself into"

"What hole?" Nick had finally gotten out of bed, how did he look even hotter with messy hair. He padded over looking over Theo's shoulder and wrapping his arms around his waist. Theo could get used to this

"Someone recognised you," Ash said bringing him back into reality, Nicks eyes widened

"No- that's- that's not good" Theo chuckled

"It's way worse than not good, It's the worst possible outcome" Theo leaned back into Nick, he had to think. There was a way out of this, Losing his reputation would sting a little but Nick, Commander would be destroyed. Both Heroes and Villains would hunt him down, He hoped that the heroes hadn't heard or at least hadn't believed the rumors.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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