Chapter Eight

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It was late when they got back to Theo's house, he realized that Nick might want to go home; he had spent most of his day with Theo.

"If you want I can drop you off at your house and we can talk to Ash tomorrow, I mean you probably have a life outside of being a hero-" Nick started laughing

"Have- you think" he couldn't get through the sentence he was laughing so hard, Theo was stunned, of all of the jokes and humorous things he had said throughout the day this is what made him laugh the hardest. Anyone else and he would have been offended.

"Sorry, sorry," Nick said calming down "that may be the number one reason I have never left before, I had nothing outside of being a hero" did- did he just say had, as in past tense, he wants to continue this odd friendship. Honestly, could he be called a villain with how many times Nick was making him speechless?

"Ya," he tried to not show that he was short-circuiting "we can go in and talk to Ash now then" he moved to get out of the car,

"Wait" he turned back around to Nick,

"Ye-" he was cut off as Nick kissed him, his soul, if he ever had one, had officially left his body. The seconds turned into hours and he absolutely melted, everything outside of the kiss disappeared and his mind was quiet for once, only filled with the sensation of the kiss. When Nick pulled away, all he could think was "more"

"Sorry, I-" he acted on that thought as Nick tried to apologize, the kiss lasted longer this time, both of them surrendering into it. Nothing Theo had ever felt had ever been as good as this.

"We should, um- probably go, um" Nick started breathlessly, "uhhh, we should"

"Talk to Ash, ya" Theo cut in clearing his head a little.

They wordlessly stepped out of the car, as Theo slowly came to the realization that he had wanted that for so long. He tried to pinpoint when he started liking Commander as a person and not a hero and was a little embarrassed at how early it was.

Ash looked up from her phone when they walked in, she looked between them before looking back at her phone,

"Took you long enough"

"I-" there was no point of trying to deny it in front of Ash, "how did you know?"

"Please Theo, think for once in your life" she held up her hand as if to count off the points "One, I have known you forever, and looks of longing you have been giving him for years advanced to a sickening point tonight. Two, I saw the limo pull up and you took forever to get out of the car. Three, your hair is messed up and I know for certain it wasn't when you left the party. Would you like me to continue?" He and Nicked looked like teenagers who had gotten caught messing around by a parent, he cleared his throat

"No, I think you proved your point"

"Now I know you want to talk to someone with a brain, I will still be here in a few minutes if you boys want to go get changed." She looked back down at her phone, and Theo shared a look with Nick that meant

'When and how did she get so much power over us' before they shuffled off to get changed.

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