Chapter Two

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Everything was still for a few moments, his hero looked at him, and just for a moment, it seemed as though he would be recognized.

"Release him" the hero spoke, it seemed as though he wouldn't be recognized, he let out a breath of relief. His hero had not put his power into the words, he was so weak always letting the villain choose before trying to make them. Maybe that is why it took him so long, he always tries to make them a good person. He tries to get them to think, it never works, at least not on someone who already had thought about their actions.

"I said release him" this time there was subtle power in the hero's words. He was surprised it was weaker and held less power, looking at him he could see how tired his old nemesis was getting. Honestly, when he had seen him he was shocked at how much he had aged in the year since his downfall. Even with the small amount of power, the words held the gun dropped slightly before being pressed up against his head harder.

"Ha, is that the best you can do. I would have thought you were stronger, I mean you did defeat soul slayer, or did he feel bad at how weak you are" How dare this puny villain try and compare himself to Soul slayer, there was no way he was going to win this fight, besides his hero had only been able to defeat him after he had gotten help from his superhero friends. He scowled, he was still in the grasp of the weakling but pressed up against him like this it was easy to look into his power, he could grab onto it right now, reduce this pathetic excuse for a villain to nothing in seconds, but he couldn't he had to keep his cover, had to let his old adversary rescue him, he had to play the game

"Really" the hero laughed "comparing yourself to Soul Slayer, a no-name villain like yourself could never be that powerful" he froze, did his hero, his old nemesis, just compliment him? Call him powerful? That was new.

"I'm not a no-name" the new villain roared "I am spark plug, and I will rule this city better than soul slayer ever could" He held in a laugh, this pathetic excuse for a villain was cocky, there was no way he would even be able to take this bank let alone the city, his hero was more powerful than that.

"Release him and surrender" he felt the power wash over him yet again, a little stronger this time. The man holding him hesitated yet again

"Still too weak, are you sure that you're the mighty Commander hero to all? But i'm getting bored of this, words words words, I would rather use my fists" the villain pushed him to the side and his henchman grabbed him tying him to a chair, he sighed he could take them all down without lifting a finger but than he would have to go underground for months carefully crafting a new identity, and he had just gotten a dog. Being normal was so tedious. The villain begins to crackle with energy, making a big show of it, blowing out lights and all that. This villain isn't only weak, he's tacky, he's got no drama, no wonder no one's ever heard of him.

"Let's see how well you fight old man" Did this pathetic excuse for a villain just call his hero old. He is not allowed to say such things, the more this weakening speaks the more he is asking to be destroyed. He does not have the build-up, the drama that you need to throw banter like that. The only one that could do that was him, he was the only one that got to call the Commander old, and this spark plug had, by extension also called him old, he would enjoy watching his hero defeat this worm.

This spark plug now had lighting around him and was rearing to strike, as the hero took a deep breath in, focusing. He cursed to himself how could he forget this, he concentrated on throwing his power around the room scattering the traces of it. His hero would since it but wouldn't be able to find him. He felt the wash of power as his hero reached out with his mind, he felt waver and saw a flash of fear on the hero's face, he must have sensed his power but it only lasted a second before he latched onto the villain at hand, his concentration returning. The energy around this known villain starts to diminish, had he not realized how strong the pull would be, only one person had ever been able to resist that pull, and on one glorious occasion reverse it. This new villain had never stood a chance.

Refusing to use his new power the hero stood above the villain

"Stop this" he hadn't used his powers but there was still a commanding tone, making you listen to what he had to say. He was always so peaceful, never trying to harm anyone.

The hero stepped away from the villain who had fallen to his knees and was trying to cope with the feeling of emptiness that came from having your powers drawn out of you. The hero started to untie me and help the others out the door, the henchmen having moved away in fear of the hero. As he reached the door he took one last look at the familiar scene of a defeated villain. But he wasn't there, this spark plug wasn't on the ground as he had been a moment ago. Before he could look around as to where he had gone, his hero was slammed into the wall next to him. He had underestimated this villain a little, he was stronger than he looked, still nowhere near his power or- his thoughts were cut off when his hero looked at him

"Call help" he whispered before pushing off the wall back into the fight. He was frozen in place, his hero had just asked for help, he had never done that before. Slipping out the door he tried to think of what to do, he couldn't call the police they had always been useless cowards and he didn't know any of the other heroes in the city there was only one option, but he couldn't, he wouldn't do it, it would ruin everything he had built. Besides he didn't carry a suit anymore. His hero would be fine, there was no way he would be defeated by that weakening.

A loud crash came from behind him, he watched as his hero was thrown into the building across from the bank, it was impossible, the new villain was winning.

"Think think think think think" he muttered to himself ducking into the alley next to the bank with his dog, what could he do? He swore as he ran into the end of the alley, the sounds of the fight echoed from the street.

He had trapped himself. He was useless.

His hero was going to be defeated.

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