Chapter Six

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AN/ So I'm going to admit most of the art comes in later chapters but I promise more is coming (and it is exclusive to this posting of it) any and all votes, comments, and reads are the highlight of my day. Just a reminder that this story will be completed as I am currently writing the last chapter (#14) and then all that's left is the epolouge. 

He couldn't believe it, he would never ever imagined this. He was sitting there eating at a table with his old enemy of his own free will, and he was enjoying it. All they had done so far was make a little small talk, he had never really known much about his heroes life, as much as he had wanted to, as much as he had searched and looked and tried he had never been able to find out much about his heroes life. He's humoring himself he had been able to find nothing of his heroes life he hadn't even been sure he had one outside of Commander. But here he was sitting at a table in a diner making small talk with Nick.

He looked at him, really looked at him for no where near the first time. He was strong, no doubt about it like he could break you in half like a toothpick, but he was also soft, he never looked down at the 'lesser' acts of heroism like getting a cat out of a tree or helping an old lady cross the street. Most importantly he was hot, if Theo had to explain his type it would just be a picture of Nick he-

"A penny for your thoughts," Nick said. Just then the waiter came up with their food and saved him from answering the question, he would make sure to tip very well. They ate in awkward silence, neither of them really knew what to say.

"So..." he said breaking the silence, he searched for a question "um, you want to stop being a hero?" Nick looked up

"Yeah, I'm getting tired of it and there are other heroes now. I just don't know how, often heroes don't live long enough to even think about retiring, lucky I had such a soft nemesis."

"Hey! Again with the insults, I'm trying to help" Nick held up his hands in defense

"Sorry, sorry," he chuckled "I'm not trying to offend you, its meant as a compliment. It actually made me angry for a long time because it was that much harder to hate you" he went back to eating, he didn't know how to respond to that. He had been the biggest villain, but Nick was right, he tried to keep the innocents out of it. There was a reason for that, he had been one himself, that was what set him off, made him who he was, who he is. But that was a long and painful story and he tried to think of other things.

"Maybe you could fake your death?" he piped up, he wasn't sure why he had said it, it was a dumb idea.

"I- well" Nick seemed taken by surprise "I could, but how, I mean we would have to get a villain to kill me and-" his eyes widened,

"It can't be me"

"Why not?"

"Because then I would have to be a villain again, I'm sorry but-"

"Ash" he cut me off


"Ash, or well, Storm could kill me, she is still in the villain scene" Nick looked exited, Theo knew the feeling, the hope. Nick really didn't want to it anymore, Theo saw it in the way he agreed and came up with ideas for this ridiculous plan.

"No Nick, this was a bad idea, I shouldn't have said anything. Besides Commander's death would cause an upsurge in villains who think they can now take over." Nick sighed, he looked super upset, was he about to cry. Nononononoono that would be bad, he didn't want to ruin this- this... whatever it was. He liked Nick.

"Nick we will think of something, I promise I will help you. We can talk to Ash she always had the best ideas, I'm sure we can think of something" he took a deep breath "together"

"Right- your right" he nodded calming down a little "I got a little carried away sorry. When do you think we could see Ash?"

"Well, I will see her later tonight, I can ask her then and we can meet up sometime after that"

"Why can't I just come with you tonight" he flashed a smile,


"What even is this 'reunion,' it can't be that bad" he felt him self giving in a little bit, but he couldn't bring Nick that would be worse than a bad idea.

"No, i- its relly-"

"Aw come on, don't want to introduce me to your family" he was pouting now, Theo was having a very hard time keeping his resolve,

"It's not a family reunion," Nick raised one eyebrow in question, "its a villain one"

"Oh," Nick sat back in his chair, but he didn't look defeated "well, I'm sure you have some way of concealing your identity during this, reunion"

"Its a masquerade" why did he say that, why did he tell him? He was obviously planning on still trying to come and Theo wasn't sure how much longer he could keep saying no.

"Well that's perfect, you can bring me as..." he trailed off in thought "your henchman! Or, nevermind." Theo sighed,

"No one brings a henchman as their plus one," he was going to regret this "what was your other idea"

"Well, I could always be," he leaned forward "your date."

Taking a sip of his water had been the worst idea as he nearly spit it out and most definitely choked a little bit. This was an incredibly bad idea, but he did like the idea of Nick being his date.

"I- sorry I shouldn't have said that it was too far and-

"Fine," Ash was going to kill him later "you can be my date, but we have some work to do everything about you screams hero"


They finished up their dinner and were on their way back to Theos's house to get Nick ready for the mascarade.

"Ash should have left already so we should be good on her not killing both of us. yet," he unlocked the door to the house that he shared with Ash. He quickly peeked into the garage to double-check and he was right, Ash had already left.

"So exactly what about me screams hero" Nick had sat down at the dining room table,

"Your posture, the self-righteous look in your eyes, the way you talk and the way you dress, I should be able to fix 3 out of 4 of those"

"I don't have a self-righteous look, and what about the way that I talk says 'hero'"

"Well for one you do, all heroes do, and the way you talk doesn't scream 'hero' but it sure does scream 'not a villain', however, I can't do much about that"

"Ok, but I'm not going as a villain am I? I'm going as a villain date." there was something about the way he said date that made Theos heart beat harder, this was all a joke right, just a way to talk to Ash faster, there was no way Nick actually liked Theo.

"I guess your right but we still have to fix the hero parts," he went to go grab a suit that he had gotten as a gift for an ex, it would be about Nicks size and he would finally be rid of the thing.

"Where did you get this" Nick said when he handed it to him

"Doesn't matter go put it on, it should fit," he pointed Nick to the bathroom to change in and tried to slow his heart down to a normal rate, however, this failed when Nick walked out in the suit. It was an all-black velvet and satin suit with a tie that had the same black-to-purple gradient as his slayer suit, the pants were a little long but other than that it fit him perfectly, he looked stunning.

"Do I look that good?" Nick said to his very obvious staring, he cleared his throat.

"Wonderful, um, now about the other two things, with the look in your eyes, think less 'i'm here to help' and more 'I'm better than all of you' do the same with your posture. Lift your chin so you're looking down on everyone and-"

"Is this all really necessary?" Nick said

"Yes now keep working on that while I go change" as he walked to the bedroom to put on his matching suit the only thought running through his head was I'm never going to survive this night.

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