Chapter Three

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AN/ Hello again! I hope you have been enjoying the story so far and just wanted to remind you that all reads votes and comments are appreciated, as well as to let you know the first bit of art I made for the story is in this chapter! (it will be at the very end) 

However I made it when I was still new to drawing digitally and traced the poses used off of a google search so cannot credit the artist whose helpful poses I used, I do plan on remaking it one day with a better understanding of the human figure but did want to show you the design to help you better visualize the character. 

He leaned his head against the end of the ally, using his powers would mean losing the life he had built, but he had run into a dead-end with no way to get to his suit or anyone who could help. He punched the wall next to him and nearly fell forward as the wall moved and opened to reveal a tunnel. It was one of his, looking around recognition dawned on him this was the first bank he had robbed all those years ago. He ran into the tunnel, his muscle memory taking him to the main layer, and his dog ran beside him. When had he put that tunnel in? He had never used it, but he was glad it was there now, he stepped into the main chamber and tied his dog to a table leg, didn't want her to get into any dangerous thing he had left around here.

He slipped into his suit as fast as he could, it was a little tight in some places but still fit relatively well, back in the height of his power he never had to rush, always had the chance to look in the mirror and make sure everything was looking sharp. He didn't have that kind of time now as he raced through the tunnels throwing on the last pieces of the outfit, why on earth had he ever thought high-heeled boots were a good idea?

Emerging from the tunnel he was glad to hear that the fight was still going on, His hero was still alive, there was still time. It felt weird being soul slayer again after all this time, after all the effort he had put into reinventing himself. It felt even weirder that this time he planned on helping. He climbed up to the roof needing a vantage point to view the fight and a dramatic entrance. That's another thing this new villain got wrong, all entrances need to be dramatic and have flair, that's what strikes fear into people, that's what makes a villain powerful. He stepped to the edge of the roof observing for a few moments, his scarf snapped behind him as the wind picked up, he had chosen a scarf to stand out, capes were too mainstream. His hero was holding out but it was obvious to anyone watching that he was losing. Oh, how the mighty had fallen. He was about to jump down when his hero happened to look up and see him. Time froze, his hero had never looked at him with so much fear, sure he had looked scared before but never afraid, never like he was staring death in the face. There was a loud crackling of energy that snapped him out of it, looking over he saw the new villain charging up to shoot a bolt of energy at the still distracted hero.

He took a deep breath and focused on the waves of power coming from this weak villain. The bolt shot out towards his hero but right before the impact it arched up toward him, he sucked in the power from the bolt and the familiar tingling feeling of it spread through his body. The villain seemed to notice him for the first time as he jumped down off the roof landing with practiced accuracy, right in front of his astonished hero.

"Oh yes!" the new villain called out "Now you can never win commander, we will take you down and rule this city"

"No no, you've got this all wrong" He turned toward this new villain

"I'm not here to help you, I would never work with such a Weak. Pathetic. Sorry excuse for a villain" he reached out with his mind and latched onto the villain's power and began to drain it, it ran out in seconds, how weak could someone be. Spark Plug Fell to his knees as his life force began to drain out of him. This is why it had been so hard to leave, the feeling of others' powers pouring into you was one thing their life force was on a whole other level. How had he ever left this feeling felt so good, he could do this again. He could feel the thrill of stealing life all the time again, he could-

"Please," there was a fragile voice behind him, "stop" why was that voice so familiar? He shrugged it off, it didn't matter.

"Slayer," the voice said, why did he know that voice? "please?" the voice asked again, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. Then it hit him, that was his hero, the whole reason he was doing this. He let go of the power, spark plug crumpled unconscious and just barely alive. He took a shaky breath in and fell to his knees, he had nearly ruined it, he had nearly given in to the power. Taking someone's life felt so good, it was addicting, there had been a time he had been, it had nearly happened again. He dreaded to think about what would have happened if his hero hadn't stopped him.

"Slayer" his hero's voice was gentle but had a hint of fear. He looked up and the realization he hit him, he had to get out of here, the commander was going to arrest him and he was going to lose the life he had, the one he had already nearly lost. He stood and turned to go back down the alley to his normal life.

"Slayer, wait" He paused, his back still facing his hero.


"Why? Why did you-

"Just because I'm not around anymore does not mean the city needs to be overrun with pests" He Ran into the alley ignoring his hero who continued to yell questions after him.


Walking through his lair now is different, it's so quiet. There are no henchmen running about helping in the building of whatever machine or weapon was going to help him take over next. There was no longer the yelling and laughter that rang out from his villainous friends who were helping or looking for a safe haven. It was just him.

He walked into the main room and heard the soft whine of his dog, he guessed he wasn't completely alone. He looked around for any dangerous substances he had left out before untying his dog letting her roam throughout the layer as he changed. The layer had been exactly as he left it, the only change being the layer of dust beginning to settle on top of it all, he began to fiddle with the freeze ray gun he could never get to work right when his dog barked.

"So this is where you hid out all those years" He wiped around pointing the gun in his hands at the intruder who didn't need to know it didn't work. The intruder was a man in his late 20s with a short crop of brown hair, jeans, and a plain maroon t-shirt, He was standing on the balcony that overlooked the workroom. Seeing the gun the man held his hands up,

"Sorry to burst in on you-" he nearly lost his balance and fell over the edge as the worst guard dog in all of history jumped on him trying to get him to pet her. But this man, he sounded oddly familiar, looked a little familiar too.

"Who are you and why shouldn't I kill you on the spot" He trained the gun on the new position of the man. The man softly pushed the dog off him,

"I'm surprised you didn't immediately recognize me," he leaned forward on the guardrail "slayer" The gun clattered to the ground,

"You- no- I-It" his hands were shaking as he reached around trying to find another weapon, he would need one if this really was who he thought, but it couldn't be that was impossible

"Calm down" there was a subtle wave of power that washed over him as the word was spoken confirming his fears,


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