Chapter 27

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For a few minutes, neither of them said anything. Kef tried to speak but his words refused to come out of his mouth. Slowly, he found himself walking forward. Closer and closer towards the person standing several feet in front of him. When he got closer, he finally spoke, albeit with a voice that sounded more like a whisper.


His ex-wife only looked at him. Her hair plastered against her forehead.

"What... What are you doing here?" Rina's eyes seemed like they were drilling a hole into Kef's face but Kef persisted. "Rina. What are you doing here?" Kef emphasized his words.

"What are you doing here, Kef?"

"I... I'm going through something. Answer me."

"No. I don't need to. I'm not your wife anymore."

Rina turned to leave but Kef quickly grabbed her arm.

"Let go!" Rina screamed. She fought to release her arm but that made Kef grip it even tighter. "Kef! Let me go!! Helppp!!!"

Kef released her arm. "Stop it... shhh! Stop it, Rina!" Rina rubbed her arm and Kef knew it was just for dramatic effect. He could not have hurt her that much with just a grip. "Please, Rina. What are you doing here?"

"I... Maya..."

Rina broke into a sob. For a few seconds, Kef was lost. He did not know what to do. Finally, he gently held Rina's shoulders and led her to a rock nearby. As she sat down, she started to explain.

"I'm sorry, Kef. I didn't tell you because I was afraid. I... I've been giving you a hard time for what happened to... Alisa. But something's going on with Maya and I don't know how to help her. I called you a bad father. And now? I'm just as bad a mother..."

Those words should have massaged the years of pain Kef had endured. The tumor that had grown in his emotions should have been cured with those very words. But it didn't.

"What's wrong with Maya?"

"I don't know, Kef. It started with her nightmares. I thought she was just too tired. But they only got worse. The other night, the day before you came to visit her, I found her standing by the stairs. I got to her just in time. She was sleep-walking, Kef. Sleep walking..."

Something rose in Kef's heart. "You should've told me, Rina. She's my daughter too!" Kef paced back and forth but slowed down when he heard Rina's sobs. "Sorry... so, why are you here? What's this place got to do with Maya?"

"Her nightmares. She has been seeing this place in them. At first, I thought it was a random vision. But then she said something in her sleep," Rina looked at Kef.

Kef held his breath. He knew he wasn't going to like what was coming next.

"She uttered the address of your street. And she drew a picture of that end house. She freaking drew in her sleep, Kef," Rina broke into even louder sobs.

"So... you found this place?"

She nodded. "I almost turned back but then I spotted this house...why are you here, Kef?"

Kef finally told his ex-wife everything. From beginning to end. Things have gotten a lot worse than Kef had thought they would. Whatever the mimes were, they were dragging Maya into the mess. He was not going to let them harm her. No way in hell.

"Help me, Kef. Maya..."

Kef stared at the house. "We will figure this out..."


Rina walked towards her gate while Kef looked at her. He tried to recall when was the last time he had driven her home. When they were married, he used to pick her up on the way home. They would head to their favourite nasi lemak sambal sotong stall before going home.

Kef's heart reached out to his ex-wife. How did they come to this? One mistake. That was all it took to destroy their marriage.

After unlocking the gate, Rina turned to look at Kef, who was leaning against his car. They just looked at each other. Kef couldn't tell if she was asking him to leave or if she wanted something else from him. Either way, he found himself walking towards her without a clue of what he was doing. When he reached her, he just stood there, looking at her as she looked at him.

"I'm sorry..." Rina whispered. Her sobs threatened to return.

"Don't. Not your fault. We'll solve this."

"I don't mean that. I meant...for everything..."

Kef swallowed. As he blinked, a drop of tear flowed down his cheek. Rina stepped forward and wiped it off with the back of her fingers.

Clearing his throat, Kef spoke. "So, Kak Ati's inside?"

Kak Ati was Rina's neighbour. She had agreed to watch over Maya while Rina ran her "errands".

Rina nodded. Not wanting to magnify the awkwardness, Kef returned the nod and walked back to his car. His heart ached. There were words he wanted to say. Thoughts he wanted to share. And his emotions were making waves in his heart. But he knew it wasn't the time nor place.

Kef bit his tongue and drove away.


The watch read quarter to midnight. Kef sighed. He hated the fact that he had to continue staying at his boss' house. After what had happened, he needed extra time before moving back home. He had Maya to think about. And Rina. He was about to give salam when he realized the grill was not locked.

Kef undid the lock and pushed the grill sideways. But something pulled it shut. Kef looked in front of him.

Through the grill bars, he saw her. The child mime was standing still, her fingers wrapped tightly around one of the steel bars on the grill. Seconds later, she moved her head forward and pressed it against the bars. She did not stop.

She was forcing her head through the gap! Kef stepped backwards, unable to speak or scream.

The mime continued forcing her head through until her entire head was out of the grill. As Kef stared at her, she twisted her head. A creaking sound pierced the silence. Kef could hear her neck bone breaking, sending shivers up his arms. Kef shook his head over and over.

Once she had completed her turn, she stared at Kef again. The mime put her arm through the gate and tugged her fingers at the bottom of her mask. Slowly, she pulled her mask upwards. It was happening all over again. It was exactly like in Kef's nightmares. Kef stood rooted to the ground. His arms shook. He wanted to run but he could not lift his eyes off the mime.

Her mask was almost fully lifted. Kef could see her mouth and nose. He had seen those features before.

The mime continued pulling. Finally, the mask came off. Kef retreated and banged his back against the walkway wall. Gasping, he slammed his palms backwards, hitting the wall. He could not believe who it was.


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