Katherine Lightwood the girl who left Beacon Hills a year ago with her family try to control her powers. She left her best friends Scott Mccall and Stiles Stilinski in town and her parents took her to France to her grandparents. Everything change w...
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Katherine's P.O.V.
It's been three days. Three days at the house again. It wasn't weird that I was back it's been a year not a century.
I have everything unpacked and clean in my room. Natalie arrived at midnight so she was sleeping but me and my brother was going to school. I was happy that I will see my friends again but scared at the same time that they are gonna be mad. I drive the thought out of my head and start dress myself in to black ripped jeans and green swatear and head to the kitchen.
"Morning" I yelled at Nik who was sleeping next to his bowl with cereals. ,,Morning" he anwer with raspy voice.
When you look at my brother and then you look at me you will say that we are twins. He is tall I am small but that is the only difference. We have the same eyes color, same hair color. We are both pretty badass if we want. The only difference was in our grades. I am straight A student and he ... Let's said he is not good in school at all exept lacrosse and any other sports.
I took sandwich from kitchen corner and put it in to my school bag. "I am going to school wanna ride?" ,,No I'll take my car you can go" "K, see you in school" I answer and go to garage grab my keys and unlock my car.
When I parked outside of the school some of the studens where looking weirdly so I just smirk and go inside.
I am in principal office now. Waiting for someone to give me number of my locker and everething else. When I got everything I go to my locker and get some books there. People were still lookin at me or staring and I start to get sick of it.
Anyways I go to my first period. Biology. Perfect. I like that class but the teacher I had in France was horrible and I had home school. When the class started the teacher stand up and said "Students we have new student here Katherine can you please stand up. I think most of you now Katherine Lightwood so we are just happy that you are back" She was nice I thought little anoying but nice and that's good.
When I sat down I feel tap on my shoulder. I turn uround and see Jackson. ,,Hi. I didn't know you coming back. How was in France?" Yes me and Jackson weren't friends . He was bestfriend of my brother and yes he was handosme and hot but not my tape. It was strange that he was talking to me like we were friends. "Hi. Yea it was good there. Before you ask I think Nik has different classes but he is back too" ,, Oh, thanks i want to ask" he said and smile.
I was little bit confused about him but I ignore him for the rest of the class we were watching some document about animals bite and I just smirking all the time.
I was thinking that I'm gonna met Lydia or Scott or Stiles but it was lunch time and I still don't see any of them so I go to cafeteria. Then I saw the famous brown hair of my bestfriend and I start walk to the table when some girl come to the cafeteria. She was looking like bitch. She has blonde hair and every single boy look after her. I walked to the table and leaned on my hands and said to the boys.
"What the holly hell is that?" They both look at me like if they saw a ghost. ,,Kat" Scott stand up and hug me, Stiles did the same thing.
"Now I asked you something what is that?" ,,Erica" Scott said. Erica left the cafeteria and we three go after her. When we got infront of the school she was sitting in a black car. I will recognized the face everywhere. Derek Hale was driving her from the school after he just smirk at us.
"You have got to be kidding me." I said and the boys look at me. ,,You know him?" they ask in the same time. "Long story" I said. I know Scott was werewolf I read in his mind (good abilities you know) and they just look at each other and went back to school.
After other painful school periods who I have with Lydia and her bestfriend Allison who was very nice girl,I go follow Scott. He stood behind Erica and she was doing something in her locker. I hide behind corner and listen.
"You need to tell me who Derek wants to change" said Scott. ,,No, I don't Scott." Erica said. I was listening a while so I figure out that Derek biting people to has a pack. But why? When they stop talking.
I run to the cafeteria and I watch Scott talked to Allison this time I didn't listen but I knew there is something between them. Then when she get up Scott get up too I needed to talk to him but when Allison go away and Stiles sat Scott back to the chair.
I started listening again. "You know what the table is?" Stiles said and point to empty table. ,, An emty table?" "Yea but who is siting there?"