Katherine Lightwood the girl who left Beacon Hills a year ago with her family try to control her powers. She left her best friends Scott Mccall and Stiles Stilinski in town and her parents took her to France to her grandparents. Everything change w...
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Katherine's P.O.V.
I was in a class sitting next to Scott when Stiles run in and sit behind Scott. "I just talked to my dad, who talked to Jackson, and I've got really terrible, horrible, very, very bad news." Stiles tells us in rush. "I think we already know,, Scott said to him and all three of us look at Isaac who was siting in front of me.
After the first period all three of us walked out of the classroom first. "All right, I only found one thing online called the Kanima. It's a were-jaguar from South America that goes after murderers." Stiles said while we were walking down the corridor of the hall.
"Stiles I don't think if you noticed it but that thing was everything but definitely not a jaguar,, I said. "Yeah, and I'm not exactly murderer if you don't notice. " ,,Yeah, but you did see it kill somebody. " Scott says.
,, Which is probably the reason why it tried to kill you too. And it's still trying to kill you,and it probably won't stop until you're dead. " Scott says and I and Stiles stops for a second. "You know sometimes I really begin to question this "friendship". " He said and we go in to the next class.
Scott and Stiles sit next to each other and I sit behind Stiles. Then Jackson come to classand sit next to me. "Hey Katherine and testicle left and right. What the hell is a Kanima?" Both boys turn around we look at each other. When I was about to speak Coach came to the classroom and shut us up.
,, Alright listen up. Quick warning before we begin our review. Some of you, like McCall, might want start their own study groups, because tomorrow's midterm is so profoundly difficult. I'm not even too sure I could pass it. Okay, I need a volunteer at the board to answer the first question. Come on, let's go buddy. ,, Coach pick some boy I didn't listen to him because Jackson starts talking.
"Paralyzed from the neck down. " he starts. "Do you have any idea what that feels like? " He asks all three of us. "I think Stiles is fimiliar with the sensation. ,, I said towards Stiles and wink at him. He just roll eyes.
,,Wait ... Why would Derek test you ? Why would he think that it's you?,, Scott asks Jackson. "How should I know?" Jackson starts get angry at the boys so I was just listening. "Wait, do they think is Lydia? " Stiles asks Jackson. "I don't know, all I heard was her name and something about chemistry."
,,Jackson! Do you have something you want to share with the rest of the class? ,, Coach shout at Jackson. "Um .... Just undying admiration for my ... My coach. " Jackson nervously said. ,, That's really kind of you. ,, Coach faked smile. ,, Now shut up! Shut it! All four of you! ,, He shout at us. I grab Stiles's sweatshirt and Scott's T- shirt and pull them to my desk so both of them can hear me. But Scott was first to say something.
,,How do we know it's not her? ,, Scott asks and when I want to say anything Stiles starts talking. "Beacause I looked into the eyes of that think, okay? And what I saw was pure evil. And when I look into Lydia's eyes, I only see 50 % evil. " Me and Scott look at him confused. "All right, maybe 60. You know, but no more than 40 on a good day. " ,,Stiles, that's not a very good argument.,, Scott says to him.
" Can both of you shut up finally.,, I said and they stop and look at me. "Lydia is something but definitely not the kanima. Okay. I feel something around her I felt that before I just don't know what it is and I need to figure it out." I said. They nod and turn to face the board.
When Lydia was before the board she started writing something. Me and the boys look at each other confused. Then Lydia turn around and she was crying.,, Can someone try to aswer? This time in English.,, Coach said when Lydia go back to her seat. I grab my phone and took a picture of the board. Then switch the sides of it.
,,What it that, Greek? ,, Scott asks. "English actualy." I said and show them the screen of my phone. There was "Someone help me" on the board backwards.
We were in chemistry now talking about Derek. "All right, so he tests her like he did with Jackson, right?" Stiles asks. "But when and where?" That was the moment when Isaac and Erica came in to class. "I think here and now,, I said.
Boys said next to Lydia, Isaac and Erica behind them and I was next to the boys and Lydia waiting for Allison. When she comes I look at and nodded she sit next to me. ,,What's wrong?" She asks. "Erica and Isaac. Be careful. ,, I said and she nodded.
,,Einstein once said, " Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe." I myself have encountered infinite stupidity. ,, Harris said and tap on Stiles shoulder. ,,So to combat the plague of ignorance in my class, you're going to combine efforts through a round of group experiments. Let's see if two heads are indeed better than one. Or , in Mr. Stilinski's case, less than one. ,, He continue in his very interesting speech.
,,Erica, you take the first station. You'll start ... ,, He didn't even finished and every boys exept from Isaac, Stiles and Scott plus one girl raise their hand. Erica smirk and I roll eyes. ,,I didn't ask for volunteers. Put your hormonal little hands down. Start with Mr. McCall. All right, next two. Lahey and Lightwood.,,
Allison was with Lydia so she grab her things and left. Isaac sit next to me. I start mixing the tings together. "You know I just want to say that it's not personal. Maybe a little. I just want to get the bitch killed. " He said and put his hand on my thigh. I let my hand on his thigh. He smirk and
I leant close to his face. "Isaac, if you think you can kill my best friend or if you think she's a bitch, then I am gonna be your nightmare,, I whisper to him a sweetly and quickly flash my eyes purple so he held his head in pain.
The bell rank and Harris said "switch" so I wink at Isaac and get up. I sit next to Lydia. ,,Why I can't talk to Erica or Isaac? " Lydia asked me when I sit down. "They are jealous of you and they are dangerous because of it you know. ,, That was the first thing what was up to my mind so I just said it. She smile and continue the experiment.
Harris ring with the bell and I get up and sit next to Scott. When I sit and saw that Isaac is sitting next to Lydia I was about to get up. Stiles has the same idea so he starts to get up bud Harris sat him back down so I sit. Me and Scott look behind us and see Allison with Erica. I start doing the experiment and listening to their conversation. When Erica bring her hand with her claws to Allison thigh and was about to stab the claws in I hide my eyes so I can flash them purple and Erica starts breathing faster. Allison look at me and momble "thanks". I smile at her and we both smirk at Erica.
The bell rink and Harris says ,,Time. If you've catalyzed the reaction correctly, you should now be looking at a crystal.,, I look in to the jar and see crystal. ,, Now, for the part of that last experiment I'm sure you'll all enjoy, you can eat it. ,, I look at Scott he nodded and I take that crystal and taste it. It wasn't bad. Than I noticed that Isaac is holding crystal for Lydia but there was something on it.
Scott must notice it too because he stand up and yell "Lydia" she turn around and say,, What?" "Nothing" Scott said and sit down. Lydia eat the crystal and nothing happened. We look at each other and then look out there was standing Derek. Now thinking that Lydia is the Kanima.