Katherine Lightwood the girl who left Beacon Hills a year ago with her family try to control her powers. She left her best friends Scott Mccall and Stiles Stilinski in town and her parents took her to France to her grandparents. Everything change w...
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Katherine's P.O.V.
Scott, Isaac, Nik and I were in the boys locker room talking to uncle Noah after the game. "Igot to meet with the medical examiner and try and figure out what happened with Jackson. I've got an APB out on Stiles. His Jeep is still in the parking lot, so that means ..." Uncle Noah tryed to say but failed. I give him a pity smile and he continues. "Well, I don't know what that means. Um... Look, if he answers his phone, if he answers his emails if anyone of you see him ..." "We'll call you." Isaac says. "It'll be okay. ,, I say and touch his arm and use my power to calm him down which worked. ,,Look, he's probably just freaked out from all the attention or something. We'll find him. " Scott says and we nod. "Yeah. I'll see you, okay?" Uncle Noah says and walked out of the locker room.
Second after he left coach come to us to talk to Scott. "McCall. We need you on the team, okay? You know I can't put you on the field next season if you don't get your grades up. Even Lightwood has a better grades but that's because he's cheating on tests." Coach says and Nik nods. I slap his shoulder and Isaac chuckles. ,,Yeah, I know, Coach. " Scott answers. "All right. I mean, I know I yell a lot, but it's not like I hate you guys. Well, I kind of hate Greenberg but ..."
"Who don't?,, I say and Coach nods. "She has point. I'm just saying we ... I need you on the team. Get your grades back up. " ,,I will." Scott says. "I know. Let the smarter Lightwood to tutoring you or something. Wait what are you doing in boys locker room. " Coach asks pointing at me. "Me? Just watching shirtless guys. ,, I say with a smile and the boys chuckle.
Coach rolls his eyes and left. ,,Is that everyone?" Scott asks and I, Isaac and Nik nods. Scott twists Stiles's locker and give me and him a shirt and Isaac and Nik a shoe. ,,You're gonna find him by scent or you let my sister do a little bibiti bobiti boo. ?,, Nik asks and I chuckle.
,, Yeah Nik we're gonna find him by scent. Kat ... " Scott starts but I was already kneel on the floor and cut my palm with my claw. "Already working on that. ,, I say with a smile. "But how come that you two get his shirts and we got a shoe?" Isaac says and I laugh a little. I was try to start the spell when someone come in to the locker room. I look up to see Derek so I stand up next to boys who were looking at Derek too.
"We need to talk." Derek starts. "All of us." Peter Derek's psycho uncle appear behind Derek. My eyes widen and my jaw droped. In corner of my eye I saw Nik's did too. ,,Holy shit." Scott says. "You know what I am done. I am gonna go probably in to Eichen house. ,, I say and make my way towards the door. ,,I'll drive you.,, My twin brother says. "Stay." Derek orders and we stop and went towards boys again .
,,What the hell is this?" Scott asks first. "You know, I taught the same thing when I saw you and Nik talking to Gerard at the sheriff's station. " Derek says and I look at my brother confused. He just give me 'listen' look so I didn't say anything.