Katherine Lightwood the girl who left Beacon Hills a year ago with her family try to control her powers. She left her best friends Scott Mccall and Stiles Stilinski in town and her parents took her to France to her grandparents. Everything change w...
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Katherine's P.O.V
I follow Scott to ice rink where Boyd works. He was talking to him about the bite that he doesn't have to take it. Then Derek appeared. Next to him was standing Erica with some boy. I flesh my eyes purple and read his mind. His name was Isaac. Isaac Lahey. He looks good i must to say that ... no concentrate.
,, That really hurts Scott. ,, Derek starts talking to him. ,, I mean, if you're going to review me at least take a consensun. Erica, how's life been for you since we met? ,, Derek ask and turn to Erica waiting for answer. "Hmm. In a word ... ,, She stops for second and act like she's thinking about it. "... transformative,, She said and growl at Scott.
,, Isaac ? ,, Derek ask the boy. "Well, I'm a little bummed about being a fugitive, but other than that, I'm great. " "Okay, hold on. This isn't exactly a fair fight." Scott said. ,, Then go home Scott,, When Derek said that I walked out from the shadows of the corner and everybody was looking at me. I walked to Scott and said "Now it is. ,,
"Kat what are you .. " I didn't let him finish and whispered to him " You trust me ?,, he nodded. ,, Oh Kat you can't even know what is going on you arrived 3 days ago,, Derek said to me. " I think I know Derek,,
"Who is she ?" Isaac asks Derek. ,, An old friend,, "Don't overestimate yourself Derek we were never really friends,, ,, Okay enough talking,, he said smirking at us and Isaac's and Erica's eyes start glowing yellow. " Kat i thinks you should go ... " I didn't let him to said end of the sentence because i flash my eyes purple. He looked at me and nodded like he understand.
When Isaac and Erica was close to us I show them my palm and they fall on the other end of the ice ring. Scott's jaw drops Derek's eyes widen. The two werewolfs was back on their feet and I felt anger and fear from both of them.
"I take Erica you take Isaac,, "Be careful" I nodded and go towards Erica. I put my hand like fist and she fell on her knees screaming. After like ten seconds Erica was lying tired on the floor from the pain. I grab edge of her leather jacket and send her to Derek's feet. Scott did the same with Isaac. Then Derek flashs his eyes red at Scott and go to him.
"Stop" Boyd said and all three of us turn around and see Boyd going to Derek. "Boyd you don't have do do this" Scott said. "Boyd you don't want to be like them,, I said. "You're right i want to be like you" he said and leave with Derek, Isaac and sleeping Erica in his arms. Me and Scott look at each other. "We need to talk" we both said in the same time.
We get to my house I parked my car and go inside. When we came inside Nik and Natalie were awake and emiedly hug Scott. Then all of us sat in living room and talked. We told him everything abou our family blood line and supernatural world. After i think it was hour he said he need to go to his boss some vet.
"We are cool right ?" he ask looking at me in a dorway. "Of course we are,, I smile at him. We huged last time and he left.
I go to my room take a shower and dress to my pajamas it was more my brother's shirt and underwear. I go to the king size bad and almost in a minute fell asleep.