Katherine Lightwood the girl who left Beacon Hills a year ago with her family try to control her powers. She left her best friends Scott Mccall and Stiles Stilinski in town and her parents took her to France to her grandparents. Everything change w...
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Katherine's P.O.V.
I got home after the fight. Nik and I tell Nat everything and we decided to get pizza. I was lying on my bed now wearing just my pajama tank top and underwear. After long shower when I heard something behind my balcony door. I stand up and go to the door. I open them and the person fell on the floor.
"What the hell are you think you doing ? ,, I ask quickly. "I just want to make sure that you are alright .And to say sorry. " "Why?,, "Maybe I care about you."
"Isaac we know each other less than a week. You don't know nothing about me so don't play like you care. So what do you want? ,, "Maybe I am trying to know you better. What if I want to know you better? " He asks.
"Than you should stop coming in to my room at night and through the window. " I say and he stand up. I didn't even realized how tall he is since we've never stand next to each other without fighting or training. "What if I promise I will go through the door next time but you will tell me something about you. I really need to know you more. " He says smiling.
"For first you flattering yourself Lahey if you think there is gonna be a "next time" and second at all I am not gonna be the only one who will be talking. It's gonna go like this. I will say something about me and you will say something about you. I really need to know you better too. ,, I say and smile too. "Fine. " He said and sit on the floor. I was going towards my bed.
"And one more thing before we will say some stuff about each other ... " He start talking and I turn around. " I really really like the view you know but maybe you can try to put on some pants. " He say smirking and I blushed. I ran towards my closet and put on some sleeping shorts. Isaac starts laughing because I was still blushing.
"Okay you go first" he says when he stops laughing and I sat on my bed. "Who was the guy what was with you in McCall's house ? Werewolf boyfriend or.... ? " Isaac asks and it was my turn to start laughing. He was just looking at me with serious look so I stop laughing. "Wait are you serious right now? ,, I ask and he blushes a little what I think was cute ... no seriously I need to stop it. " You mean Nik?,, I say and he looks at me little bit confused. "Isaac, Nik is my brother. My twin, my other half how could you even think that. ,, I say and he blushes more.
"I thought Derek told you everything about my family. ,, I say "Nope. I only know you have a sister because of Derek but that is all. " he says. "Okay my turn. Why are you living with Derek? ,, I ask. He told me everything about his past. About his father, the absuse, why he take the bite and everything. When he stops talking I was speechless. I was feeling tears in my eyes but I blink them away.
"Isaac ... ,, I say and he was just staring at me. I look in to his beautiful blue eyes. I stand up and rush to him still sitting on the floor and hug him. He was a little confused but then wrap his arms around my waist. I relaxed in to his chest and we were like that maybe ten minutes before my phone ring.
I pull out from him and stand up even if I don't want to. I grab my phone and see text from Stiles. "Me and Scott are in a club looking for Jackson I call you if we need help. " I read it and put my phone back on the table. I come back to Isaac and sit down next to him on the floor.
"So what about you? You came back from somewhere ... " He starts. "France,, I said. "Okay, but why are you back? " He asks.
"We move to France because of me. My parents wanted to teach how to control everything. I failed. Twice. ,, I start and look at him. "When we move there it was full moon. I changed. But it wasn't like a werewolf form it calls full wolf form. ,, "So you changed in to a wolf ?" "Yea, I had no one that night and I was terrified an I killed people. ,, I say. "That was the first time I failed. The second time was when me and my mom got in to argument. We both said things we didn't mean to. So when I lose it I almost killed her. I almost burn her Isaac. I've never cry since that. She forgive me but I did not. I can't even look at her because I am scared that I am gonna hurt her. Everybody around me keep telling me that it's okay but I hate myself for it. So five weeks after the thing happened me and my siblings packed things and left. Now I am here. ,, I say and smile weakly at him.
Isaac looks like he is going to cry so he took me and hugs me again. I relaxed again. "I am sorry I didn't ... " "You didn't know it's okay. I am sorry too. ,, I didn't let him finish. We pulled away again and start talking about us. More like what is our favorite food and innocent questions.
Then Isaac's phone starts to ring. "It's Derek. I need to go. " He say and stand up. "Okay then. See you in school. ,, I say and smile. "Yea. " He says and smiles too. Then go to my balcony door and for last time turn around.
"Right now I am feeling like Romeo you know. " He says and I gigle. "Go,, I say and he jumps. Then I smile for my self a little. No. Hell no. I don't like him do I. No absolutely no. I know him less than week so I am sure that I don't. I got in to my bed and fell asleep.