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Katherine's P

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Katherine's P.O.V.


Scott, Stiles, Allison and me were now in Coach's office. ,,Derek 's outside, waiting for Lydia. Scott says."Yea, No shit.,, I glanced at him. ,,Waiting to kill her ? ,, Allison asked. "No they want to play baseball. ,, I said. They look at me. "Right. Sorry. ,,

,,If he thinks she's the Kanima, they yes, especially after what happened at the pool. " Scott says. "It's not her" Me and Stiles says in the same time. ,, She didn't pass the test. Nothing ... " "Yea nothing happened. We know Scott but it's not her I can feel it. It can't be her. ,, I said and Stiles nodded.

,, It doesn't matter because Derek think, it's her. So either we can convince him that he's wrong, or we've got to figure out a way to protect her. ,, Allison says. ,,I really don't think he's gonna do anything here, not at school. " Scott says. ,,What about after school? ,, Allison asks. In that moment the door open and Scott was just about to punch the person.

"Hey calm down buddy. It's just me." My brother says to Scott. "I heard what happened. What do we do? " Nik asks. ,, Excuse me but who are you? ,, Allison asks. "Okay not good timing. Allison my brother Nik werewolf. Nik my friend Allison hunter. Good? Good. ,, I said they just look at each other and smile.

,,What if we can prove that Derek's wrong? "Allison said. "By three o'clock?" Stiles asks. ,,There could be something in the bestiary,, Allison thinks loud. "Oh- you mean the 900 - page book written in archaic Latin that none of us can read? " Stiles asks. "Good luck with that,, I said.

,,Actually, I think I know someone who might be able to translate it.,, "We three can talk to Derek. Maybe convince him to give us a chance to prove that it's not her. ,, I said and look at Scott and Nik.

,,But if something happens, you two let us handle it, okay? " Scott asks. ,, What does that mean?,, Allison asks him.,,It means you can't heal like I do. I just don't want you getting hurt. " Scott said to Allison and I stay away from his Romeo and Juliet romance. Allison turn around and take out a crossbow from her bag. ,,I can protect myself. ,, She said. I smiled at her.

,,What? Did something else happen? ,, She asked Scott so three of us stay out of their conversation. ,,I just don't want you getting hurt. Seriously, if anything goes wrong, you call me, okay ? " Scott said. "Or any of us.,, I said and wink at her. ,,I don't care if your dad finds out. Call, text, scream, yell, whatever. I'll hear you and I'll find you as fast as I can. We have until 3:00. " Scott continue.

Allison nodd and Scott, Nik and me head to the door. Before we even open the door I heard sound like someone shooting an arrow. Scott turn around and I catch the arrow in front of his face. "Good job Hawkeye what else? ,, I asked Stiles who shoot the arrow. "Sorry. It's sensitive trigger on that. " I just roll eyes and go out of the room.


"We want to talk Derek,, I said when we go towards Boyd. "Talk to me." Boyd said instead. ,,We don't want to fight. " Scott says. "Good, 'cause I'm twice the size of you" Boyd smirk. " And I am twice powerfull than you. ,, I said with a smirk. "True" He agree. ,, And I am twice as fast" Scott says. ,,And I am both ,, My brother says smirking. I flash my eyes purple and Boyd falls on his knees in pain.

"She failed the test. " Derek appear and says. "That doesn't prove anything, Derek. She is different. ,, I say "I know. At night she turns into a homocidal walking snake. " Derek says. ,,We're not going to let you kill her. ,, My brother says.

"Nik I believe Kat tell you everything but you know nothing about the Kanima. " Derek says towards my brother. ,,I think I know what I want to know.,, my brother says back. "Anyways who said I was gonna kill her? " Derek says smirking. All three of us look at each other and I ran towards the school.


I was in the hall way when I saw Jackson, Allison, Lydia and Stiles walking towards the front door. "Were you in a library ? ,, I ask them. "We were now we're going somewhere else. " Stiles says and I nodded. That was when Nik run towards us. "Derek is going to do it anyways." He says and Jackson grab Lydia and we we walk towards our cars. Nik on his motorbike, Stiles, Lydia and Jackson in his jeep and me and Allison in my car.


We all parked infont of Scott's house and go inside. Jackson took Lydia in to Scott's room so Alllison, Nik, Stiles and I was still downstairs. I was looking through a window next to the door now and Allison was calling Scott. On the street were standing Erica, Boyd, Isaac and Derek waiting.

"What are you doing ?" Stiles asks Allison. ,,I think ... I think I have to call my dad. ,, She said almost sobbing. " No Allison, if he finds you here, you an Scott ... " I say. ,, I know. ,, She anwers . ,, What are we supposed to do? ,, she asks. ,,They are not here to scare us, okay? They're here to kill Lydia. ,, "No one is going to die Allison it's okay. ,, I say and hug her.


"I got an idea. " Stiles says after a while. "Just shoot one of them." ,,Are you serious? ,, She asks. "We told Scott we could protect ourselves, so let's do it. Or at least give it a shot, right?" "Wait,, I said and they turn to me.

"Give me the arrow,, I say and Allison give it to me. I close my eyes and take my hand to the sharp end of the arrow. After like ten seconds I give it back to her. "Don't touch it,, I said when she was about to touch the sharp end of the arrow. ,,What did you do? ,, she asks me. "I warmed it up whoever touches it burns a little. ,, I said and smile.

She smile back and look through the window."Look, they don't think we're gonna fight. " Stiles pause and look at me and my brother "Okay maybe two of us will. But I gurantee to you if one of them gets hit, they'll take off. " ,,Which one? ,, She asks. "Derek,, I say. "Yeah, shoot him, preferably in the head. " Stiles says in agreement. ,, What if he catch it? ,, Allison asks. "Then it'll be hurts. ,, I say.

"Okay, maybe not Derek shoot one of the other three, then " Stiles said. ,,You mean two. ,, Allison says confused. "What? ,, I ask. "No, I mean three. " Stiles says. "Where the hell is Isaac? " Stiles asks. In that moment I turn around and flash my eyes purple.

Isaac was now in pain on the floor I crouched to him."I said you to move faster,, I whisper to him. "Nik, Allison go upstairs protect Lydia,, I say. Then I take colar of Isaac's lether jacket and throw him in to other room. "Go,, I shout at them and they run upstairs.

We were fighting a while and when Scott came in, Isaac was lying on the floor sleeping. Then we took Erica from upstairs who was paralyzed with Kanima venom and Isaac I open the door and Scott throw them to Derek's legs. Then all of us get out of the house and stand behind Scott.

" I think I'm finally getting why you keep refusing me Scott. You're not an Omega. You're an Alpha of your own pack." Derek says to Scott. "But you know you can't beat me. Only they can. " He says nodding towards me and Nik. ,,I can hold you off until the cops get here." Scott says and then we heard something so we all look on the roof. There was the Kanima. After a couple of seconds Lydia came out of the house and everyone were looking at her like on ghost. "Would someone please tell me what the hell is going on? ,,

"It's Jackson.,, I and Scott said in the same time.



Okay, anothet long chapter I hope you like it


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