Untitled Part 2

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Donald's POV

I was in the lab with Chase trying to fix his problem.

''Are you done yet?'' He asked, while I was putting on cream on his face.

''Not yet, hold still.'' I said.

''Ugh, it itches.'' He whined.

''I know hold still.'' I said again.

''There, all done.' I said.

''Thank you.'' He said, Then stood up and sneezed. He sneezed and got it everywhere.

''Great, you glitched.'' I said.

''I'm sorry Mr. Davenport.'' He said.

''Don't worry Chase.'' I soothed. Later, I walked in the kitchen to fix something for the both of us can eat. Then Chase walked in I looked at him.

''Hey! where's the cream I put on your face Chase?'' I asked harshly.

''I, washed, it off.'' He replied, harshly back. I sighed in annoyed.

''Chase you have to keep that stuff on your face.''

He sighed.

''But Mr. Davenport this stuff isn't working, do you have anything else to use?'' He asked, walking towards me scratching his arm. I sighed.

''Well that's because you need to wait long enough to work, and no I do not have anything else beside what we're using right now, Now sit down?'' I asked. He groaned. I grabbed the cream.

''Wait what are you doing?'' He asked.

''I, am putting this cream on your face.'' I explained.

''What, no it burns.'' He said.

''Well, to bad hold still.'' I said.

''There, done.'' I said. He sighed. He got up.

''This stuff is itchy.'' He complained.

''I know, and stop scratching it you're gonna make it worse!'' I shouted. Then walking over to the couch. As I was about to sit down. I turned around and still scratching at his arms and face.

''Stop scratching at it Chase I told you're going to make it worse.'' I said.

''I can't help it, It's itchy.'' He replied. I sighed in annoyed. I walked in the kitchen and grabbed the oven mitts and headed back to Chase and put them on him.

''Hey, Mr. Davenport.''

''I'm sorry Chase, but I had no choice, your scratching's only gonna make it worse, now, keep those on all day till your rash goes away.'' He groaned.

''Fine.'' He sighed.

''Good.''Then I walked off.

Leo's POV

Adam and I were hiding n two big trash cans in front of the water fountain. We both had walky talkies.

''Is it clear?'' Adam asked, talking in to the walky talky.

''I don't, go check, Over.'' I replied.

''No you go check, Over?''

''No you go check, over?''

''No you go check, over?''

''No you go check, over?''

''Why don't you just both check?'' we heard someone.

''Hey good Idea, hey Leo,lets both check, 1, 2,-''

''No Adam it's a trap.'' I interrupted.

Adam and I got out of the trash cans. I saw Trent grabbed Adam by the shirt on his shoulders.

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