Chapter 5

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Chase's POV

I was in the living room sitting on the couch scratching myface. I hear a loud noise coming fromthe hall.

''I'm okay!''I heard Mr. Davenport. I rolled my eyes and continue scratching. Then Douglas came down stairs with something in his hands.

''Douglas what's that?'' Mr. Davenport asked.

''It's a cage to trap for the little rodents, why you have better idea?'' Douglas asked setting the cage on the table.

''No, cage is good, cage is good.''

I got up and I walked in the kitchen where Douglas and Davenport was at. They then looked at me.

''Ahh!'' They shouted.

''What?'' I asked looking back at them.

''Uhh.'' They said.

''nothing, nothing, you look.'' Davenport starts.

''Great.'' Douglas said.

''You look great.''Davenport said. I gave them a confused face.

''OKay.'' I said, in confusion. Then I walked down to the lab.

Davenport's POV

''Okay, we have got to find something else to put on his face, he looks awful.'' I said.

''Wait I thought that was the right goo.'' Douglas said.

''Well, I thought sotoo, but it's not.'' I replied.

''Wait, you did give himthat special goo, right?'' Douglas asked, looking at me deeply.

''Wh-, yes Douglas, what, did you thinkI switched the two cans of goo?'' I asked looking backat him.

''Witch goo did you put on him?'' Douglas asked. I sighed in annoyed. I walked in the kitchen. I picked the can of goo up that was on the floor.

''I put this go on him.''I said then put it on the table.

''Are you sure you have the right goo? Donnie.''

''Yes, I'm sure, see look, it evensays 'yellow goo, safe for skin.''

Douglas sighed in annoyed as he put his hands on the table, then took them off.

''Ya got the wrong goo Donnie.''

''What! noyou said-''

''I! said, purple goo, Donnie the purple goo, and what did you do, you get the yellow goo.''

''you told me to grab the yellow goo, Douglas, the YELLOW, goo.''

''Where's the purple goo Donald?''

''Down in the lab.''

We walked down to the lab

As we got to the lab. I showed Douglas where the purple goo was.

''Here it's on the floor beside the cyber desk'' I said, as we walked towards the cyber desk.

''Wait, I don't understand it was just right here.'' I said.

''Wait, you mean you, put, the goo, right here.'' Douglas said.

''Yes, I put it, right here, andnow it's gone.''

''Well, I do see a purple goo stain.'' Douglas said. I looked at Douglas.

Adam's POV

I was at my locker when Bree walkedup to me.

''Okay, I WAN'T, this rain to stop.''Bree said.

''Yeah me to, hey where's Leo?'' Then Leo ran towards us. He was out of breath.

''You guys, left me.'' Leo said, trying tocatch his breath.

Bree laughed a little as I smiled.

''Where have you been?'' Bree said with a smile, Leo stood up bent down a little.

''Me? You're asking me!?''

''Yes, I'm asking you.''Bree replied. Leo cought up to his breath, and he stood up straight.

''Well I got nothing.'' Leo said.

''Hey, it's 10 pm already.'' Bree said.

''Really.'' Leosaid.


''Wait, no, but we're still stuck here.'' Bree said.

''Yeah.''Leo said.

''Hey, where is Trent?'' I said.

''Whocares, i'mjust glad he's out of our sight.'' Bree said.

''Yes, but not for long.'' Leo said.

''What do you mean?''Bree asked turned around towards Leo.

''Trent's coming.'' Leo said.

Brees eyes got widen. Then she turned around. Trent was right there. He walked up to Leo.

''Hit me, but do it quick.'' Leo said as he squinted his eyes while closing them. he opened one eye. then the light went out again. next think I knew. we ran in the lunch room. the lights cut back on.

Leo's pov

As we ran in the lunch room, we hid behindthe door quietly.

''Is he gone!?'' Adam whispered in my ear loud. I shook my head hard making himstop. I looked at Adam in eyes.

''No!'' I shouted.

''Shh.'' Bree said, putting one finger toher mouth. Adam and I mocked her. She rolledher eyes.

''Okay, who's first?'' Bree whispered. I looked at Adamand back at Bree.

''Laddies firts.'' Adamand I said simultaneously. Bree looked at us like we were crazing.

''Okay, but if I'm going down, I'm taking you with me!'' Bree said then grabbed my shirt and we headed out the room. Adam followed in our foot steps.

''Where is he?''Bree asked in a confused face.

''Who cares Bree, we won.'' I said, doing my'we won dance.'

Breed POV

I rolled my eyes looking at Leo. Adam looked confused for a moment. Then there was Trent walking up to us. Leo didn't seem to noticed.

''Uhhh, L-Leo.'' I said as Adam and I were backing up slowly towards the caf'a door.

''Oh come on guys, We won, isn't this great?'' Leo said with his happy dancing towards us as we were backing up. Leo stopped with his happy dancing.

''Come on guys,I thought we won.''

''That's because we didn't.''I said looking at Trent. Leo's eye lids fell.

''he's right behind me isn't he?'' Leo asked. AdamI both nodded in frightening. Leo sighed in annoyed. Then he turned around.

''Alright Trent, you got us, we surrender.'' Leo said putting his hands up a little.

Trent laughed at us.

''Huh.'' We all said in confused.

''Uhh, I'm confused.''I said.

''You guys just will not quite, will you?'' Trent said balling his fist up walking towards us.

''Is it the right time to run, right about now?'' Adam asked in myear a little. I shook my head in annoyed.

''You see? I think we got off on the wrong foot here.'' Leo said.

''You coud've said that hours ago.'' Trent said.

''Now?'' Adam asked.

''Now.'' I said, then we all ran.

''Heeey, I wasn't finished.''Trent whined, stomping his foot.

Hey guys how was that, I really hope you liked it, I'm sorry I havn't been updating in a long, long, LONG Time. but I updated!. so I feel free to review and i'll see you later! BYE! XD

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