chapter 8

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Hey guys! here is chapter 8 I hope you guys like it. I did change the name a little, so if you guys don't like it,then I'll change it back to the way itwas.

Sorry if it's a little sort,I will make it a little long on the nextchapter.So enjoy!

Chase's pov

I was in the living trying not to scratch my arms and face. For some reason, mylegs started to burn like fire. I started to scratch. Oh god that was a bad Idea.

I walked off to the kitchen and poured water on my legs with a washcloth.

It felt good at the moment. But it started to sting again. I grabbed the washcloth and headed back on the couch.

I laid it on my leg. I then started coughing. I wish theywould hurry up.

Donalds Pov

We finally found the right right goo for Chase. So Douglas and I walked back up stairs. Only to find Chase covered in rashes and sweat. We rushedto him.

''What happened to you?'' I asked.

''I don't know.'' He replied still laying on the couch.

''Well luckily we found a cure for you, sit up.'' I said. He sat up.

''Hey, Mr. Davenport. I thankI'm just allergic to goo. Can you just creat something else instead? Like loation that can cure me.''

''Well. I don't see why not buddy. But we have to see if this will work.''

''Okay.''I said, not really sure if this will work.

He rubbed goo all over my back and arms. Douglas helped put gooall over my skin.

Leo's Pov

We were just hanging out near Adam's locker when, Trent came.

''Okaywhat is it gonna take for you to apolijize, huh.''

''Face it Trent. We're done.'' Bree said walking up to Trent.


''Yeah. Done.''

''The're-'' I interupted her


''We're not gonna run away from you anymore. Come on guys. We're going home.'' Bree said.

''Hop on my back.''

''But Princable Perrysaid-''

''I know what she said Adam-''


We hoped on her backand she super speed to the door. As she didthe door was set up by an alarm. We hopedoff quickly as Princable Perry ran out of her office.

''Ah ha! Gotcha.'' Princable Perrysaid. Walking out with PJ's on while holding stuffed bunny in her hand.

''Princable Perry, why do you have an alarm on the doors when you lacked all the doors?'' Bree said.

''But not this one, see. I knew you guys were gonna escape when you had the chance. Now, if you would escuse me. I have an important nap to attendto.''

''Well now what?''Adam asked throwing his hands up.

''I guess we have to stay until schools out.'' I replied.

''Yeah.''Bree added.

''Well. I don't like to brag but. Guess who's sleeping in the library.''Adamsaid.

''Meeeeee.'' Adam whispered as he pointed at himself with his thumbs.

He then walked off. Then the power went off.

Hey guys. How was thatso far. I really hope you guys enjoyed that. I finally updated, I know it's been a LONG time. But. I did it.So, Yeah.If You guys have any Ideas for the next Chapter. That would be great.If you don't that's okay.Feel free to review.and I will see you guys later.

Stay Awesome!

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