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Chase's POV

'' What are we gonna doMr. Davenport?'' I asked, just standing there.

''Know sudden move. Okay.'' Mr. Davenport replied. Mr. Davenport walked slowly towards me and Douglas. Then Mr. Davenport tripped over his own shoes. The mice ran away.

''Aww, great, now what are we gonna do?'' Mr. Davenport asked, looking at us.

''Well, we could try finding them.'' Douglas said.

Mr Davenport and I rolled our eyes.

Brees POV

I was walking down near principle Parry's office. Till Leo and Adam ran towards. But Leo ran towards me in horror.

''Bree!'' Leoyelled.

''Leo, what are you doing?'' I asked, while he held me shoulders looking at me with wide eyes and mouth.

''I can't, take it anymore!'' Leo started.

''You have, to tell the truth!'' Leo explained.

''Okay, okay, I will. But please get of me.'' I said. Leo looked at his hands.

''Oh yeah sorry.''Leo said, then pulledhis hands away from my shoulders.

''Bree you gotta stop.'' Adam said.

''Okay! I will, just hold on.'' I said.

''Hey wait a minute.'' Leo said. I looked at Leo in annoyed.

''What.'' I said.

''Why isn't Trent running after you?'' Leo asked.

''Oh ummm, I snuck out of his sight, andI hid.'' I explained. Leo and Adam

''Bree how could you!'' Leosaid.

''Yeah!''Adam added.

''I thought we were family.''

Yeah!'' Adam added again.

''You could have told me, and leave Adamas the bate.'' Leo said.

''Yeah! Wait what?'' Adam said. Leo and I rolled our eyes.

''Leo, that was hours ago.'' I said. Leos eye lids fell down.

''That was 10 minuets ago.'' Leo said.

''Leo, get over it, Trent's probably tired by now.'' I said. The we all looked over at Trent who was looked tried and there was sweat running down his forehead and there was sweat on his shirt.

Run while you still have a chance.'' I said. Then we all ran.

Chase's Pov

I was laying on the couch, while Mr. Davenport and Douglas was chasing after 3 mice around the house. I kept itching and scratching my arms and face. It really, really, reallyburns. Mr. Davenport doesn't know hoe much it burns. I started tosweat out of myclothes.

Mr. Davenport ran over to the couch chasing after the white mouse. He deeply sighed in annoyed. Then he turned around and looked at me.

''Chase, are you just gonna lay there and just watch us? or are you gonna help.'' Mr. Davenport said. I sighed.

''Mr. Davenport it burns.'' I said as I got up looking at him.

''What burns?'' He asked.

''My skin! The stuff you put on, It's burning.'' I explained then I scratched it.

''Hey! Do not scratch it.'' He said. ''Hey you're sweating.'' Mr. Davenport said. as he got closer.

''Yeah, and?'' I asked, then I continued to scratch.

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