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Brandon continues to wave at the truck to make it stop, but the truck kept on driving at the same speed and isn't slowly down.

Brandon starts waving faster.

Brandon "Hey! Stop!" He shouts towards the truck.

The truck then passes him, as Brandon looks at him passing.

Back on the bus, Daniel was sitting at the window and he looks out and see's the truck passing, and he notices that it's the same truck that he saw earlier in the day, he was confused on how it got behind them.

The truck passes the bus and continues to drive on, while Brandon saw the truck driving on.

Brandon "Asshole" he says to himself.

He then starts walking back towards the truck, until he realises something, he was looking at something.

Down the road, he can see the truck pulling in on another road, that goes pass the open field and which attached to the open field was a set of woods, the truck goes pass the woods.

Brandon realises that, that was the only separate road he saw that was attached to this main one way road, so he had an idea, that whoever was in the truck might be able to help.

He continues to walk back towards the mini - bus.

Inside the mini - bus, Daniel was still thinking on how the truck went behind them, Rachel looks at him and notice that something was off with Daniel.

Rachel "You ok?" She asks him.

Daniel looks at her.

Daniel "Yeah - yeah - just thinking" he replies to her.

Rachel then places her head back on his shoulder, the sound of footsteps were heard in a distance, they all look and see Brandon entered the mini - bus.

Brandon "Ok - I got an idea, I just saw the truck cut into a new road - so I'm going to go out and search, to see if I can find help, maybe from that person" he says to them.

Jonathon looks confused.

Jonathon "If the person was going to help, he or she would've stopped to help?" He asks him.

Brandon "Well yeah, but he or she was in a truck, hopefully I can see this person, face to face so they will have to help us" he replies.

Jonathon nods 'ok' to him as he closes his eyes again.

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