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Brandon enters the mini - bus, and he stands in front of everyone, so he's facing everyone.

Brandon "Sorry - guys" he calls them.

Daniel opens his eyes looking at him, and he moves his arm where Rachel is asleep on his shoulder, she finally wakes up and looks at him, as he nods towards Brandon, she then looks at him.

Jonathon and Sarah wakes up as well as Thomas and Jennifer, everyone on the mini - bus looks at Brandon.

Brandon "Right - hmm, we have a technical difficulty, somehow the gas pipe or oil pipe - whatever it is, it was cut - we must of, idk caught it in a stone or something" He says to them.

Over at Thomas and Jennifer.

Thomas "Must have been a sharp stone" he says to himself.

Jennifer looks at him as she heard him.

Brandon was still talking.

Brandon "Whatever it was, it cut the pipe and the oil or gas spilled out and now we are empty, so we're stuck here until we get help" he tells them.

Jonathon "Did you try and call anyone - try get us help or anything?" He asks him.

Brandon looked stressed.

Brandon "Sadly, the service is weak here and there are is no service to call anyone" he replies.

Jonathon "Shit" he replies.

Brandon was just looking at them, and something caught his eye.

Brandon "No way" he says to himself.

He was looking at the emergency door window and he see's headlights from a car or a truck, headlights from some vehicle that was coming towards them.

Brandon then turns around and presses a bottom and the blinkers came on, on the mini - bus, which means 'go around' or 'need help'.

As soon as he presses the bottom, he then exits the mini - bus running towards the truck waving his hands warning the driving to stop and help.

Everyone on the truck looks behind him and they see the vehicle coming towards them.

Outside you can hear Brandon shouting and waving his hands towards the approaching vehicle.

Brandon "Hey ! Hey !" He shouts to the vehicle.

You can see the vehicle, and it was a truck, it wasn't just any truck, it was the same truck that pass them earlier on in the day.

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