Page 22

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Back on the king empty road, there was a flashlight shining that was coming from Daniels and Thomas's phone, that was pointing in front of them.

Jonathon was standing beside Sarah, Thomas was standing beside Jennifer and Daniel was beside Rachel, they were all walking in a straight line, walking down the empty road.

Daniel shines the light into the woods, and the light splits through the trees, but couldn't see anything inside the woods.

Jonathon was looking over at him, as he look stressed and scared.

Daniel then looks back forward as they were all still walking forward, following the road.

The road was like a never ending road, the road was never ending as much as they were walking further the road kept on going.

They were quietly walking down the road.

Jonathon "This is some freaky shit" he whispers to Sarah.

They continue walking.

The night was as dark as closing your eyes, the only light that can be seen was from Daniel's and Thomas's phone, as they were still walking down the road.

Daniel then realises something, he then slows down from walking, as well as everyone else then slows down and then makes a stop.

Jonathon looked confused.

In front of them down the road, it looked like a house.

They were all looking down towards the house.

Jonathon "Is that a house?" He asks them.

Daniel "I - I don't know" he replies.

He started to walk slowly down, as the rest follow him slowly as well.

Down the road, it was a big old brown house, with four windows in the front of the house, and it had an old brown door with black strips going down the door.

The group stop a few feet away from the house just looking at it.

Jonathon "That is a creepy fucking house" he says to them.

Thomas "Do you think he's in there?" He asks them.

Daniel "I don't know" he replies.

Thomas begins walking towards the house, as well as Jennifer Sarah and Rachel, before Daniel was going to follow them, he looks around the front of the house, he then looks over at the left side.

He see's something.

He could see the old truck that passed them earlier in the day, and the truck that Brandon was looking for.

Daniel wanted to see the truck.

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