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Daniel and Jonathon runs straight into the house with fear, as soon as they entered the house, the rest of the group were in the sitting room looking around.

They all look at them all confused and frightened.

Daniel and Jonathon enters with their hearts in their throats as they are full of fear and out of breath.

Thomas "What the fuck happened?" He asks them.

The two were together all scared and nervous.

Jonathon looks at him terrified.

Jonathon "We have to get the fuck out of here" he says terrified.

Thomas "What - what happened?" He asks them.

Daniel "Look we have to find Brandon and get the fuck out of here and get help" he says nervously.

Thomas just looks at them.

Thomas "Why don't we just leave now?" He asks him.

Daniel "And what leave Brandon?" He asks him.

Jonathon looks at Daniel.

Jonathon "We don't know where he is, he might be dead after what we saw" he says to him.

Rachel and the girls looked terrified.

Rachel "Dead?" She whispers to the girls.

Thomas "Look - alright, we - we find him, there might be service here, from a phone from this house or something, we look around and if we can't find anything we leave?" He asks them.

Jonathon didn't rely.

Daniel "Yeah - yeah ok, but we have to make it fast - whoever this person is, it doesn't look like he or she is home" he says to them.

Thomas nods 'ok' to them.


Back where the mini - bus is, you can see the mini - bus still at the side of the road.

Inside the house there was some crunching sound like someone was walking towards the exit of the woods and towards the mini - bus.

Out of nowhere.

The man in the cowboy hat appears inside the woods just looking towards the woods, he is the owner of the creepy trunk and the old creepy smelly house.

He see's that the mini - buses doors were open and no one was inside, he was breathing very heavily with anger, and he tilts his head looking behind him, looking back towards his house.

He then looks back at the mini - bus and walks down towards the mini - bus.

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