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Daniel and Rachel, were down the right hand side, and they see the two doors on both sides of the walls, Daniel slowly went to open one.

While Rachel stood behind him.

Daniel then grabs the handle and slowly opens the door, as yeh door cracks open, he could see inside of it.

And it was just a dark room, with some dirt on the ground, he looked disgusted on what was in that room, so he ignores it and looks over to the opposite door.

And he slowly walks over and grabs the handle, again Rachel standing behind him.

He slowly opens that door, and the door cracks open, and he could see inside of it, and it was an old dirty bathroom, he could see some type of inc in the sink of the bathroom and the curtains of the shower were all yellow and dark brown coloured.

Daniel could easily get sick from the look and smell of it.

Daniel "Jesus fucking Christ" he says to himself.

The two of them then looks at the door at the end of the hallway.

They then look at each other thinking about if they should go in or not, they look back at the door, Daniel walks in front of the Rachel towards the door.

Meanwhile Thomas and Jennifer were walking towards their second door, they already checked the first door and there was nothing inside it, and no sign of Brandon.

While Sarah wasn't upstairs anymore, and Jennifer realises that, before they went into the second room, she looked back at Thomas.

Jennifer "Wait - where is Sarah and Jonathon ?" She asks him.

Thomas looks at the hall and he see's Daniel and Rachel at the opposite end of the hallway, but he couldn't see Sarah or Jonathon.

Thomas "Where the fuck did they go?" He asks her.

Jennifer "I don't know" he replies.

Thomas then looks back at the door, and opens the door slowly, and it was a dark room and he couldn't see inside it.

Thomas looks in, and he looks to the left and he see's a switch, he then presses the switch for the light to turn on.


The light comes on but it was red like blood, and the whole room was covered by human skin, that it was cut off people's bodies and stitched on to the wall.

Thomas "What the fuck" he says frightened by what he was looking at.

Jennifer then see's what was in the room and she was speechless.

Jennifer "Oh my god" she says in shock.

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