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Thomas and Daniel looked confused and nervous. 

Thomas "What the fuck was that?" He asks him.

Rachel was looking over at them all confused.

Rachel "What was what?" She asks them.

The two boys were still looking outside towards the deep dark woods.

Thomas was breathing very heavily. 

Thomas "Daniel ? Who the fuck was that?" He asks him with fear in his voice.

Daniel shakes his head which means he doesn't know. 

Daniel "I don't know" he replies to him nervously.

Rachel leans up on her seat looking at them.

Rachel "Who was what - what - what happened?" She asks him wondering.

Daniel "We heard a - a type of scream or - someone - someone screaming" he replies nervously as he was still looking out the window. 

Rachel then looked nervous, while she was looking at them.

Daniel and Thomas were still looking outside.

Daniel "Brandon is still out there" he tells him.

Thomas "I know" he replies.

Daniel "Do - do you think that was him?" He asks him.

Thomas "I don't know" he replies to him.

They continue to look outside, while Rachel was still looking at them.

Rachel "What should we do?" She asks them.

No one answers her, they are more focused on what/who screamed in the distance.

Rachel "Guy" she says to them again.

The two looks back at her.

Rachel "What should we do?" She asks again.

The two looks at each other, as they don't know what to do.


They hear Brandon screaming outside from the distance.

Brandon "Help!" He screams coming from the woods.

The two boys slowly turn their heads towards the woods, and they couldn't see anyone, not even Brandon, they can only hear his voice.

Brandon "Help! Please help!" He continues screaming begging for help.

They couldn't see Brandon in the woods, they couldn't see anyone.

Brandon's voice was slowly fading away like he's going further and further away from the mini - bus.

Brandon "Help me!" He screams as his voice got further and further.

Suddenly Brandon's voice faded away, like he disappeared.

The two boys looked scared and looked at each other.

They were both breathing very heavily, as Daniel was thinking, Rachel was looking at the both of them nervously.

Thomas "We have to do something" he says to them.

Rachel looks at him.

Rachel "Do what - what should we do?" She asks him.

Thomas then looks at the rest of the gang.

Thomas "First we wake up these guys" he tells them.

Daniel slowly nods saying 'ok'.

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