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Jennifer didn't knows what to say.

Thomas "The mini - bus right now for us is the safest place to be, we can't be out here with this person" he says to her.

Jennifer slowly nods 'ok' as a tear falls from her eye from fear.

Thomas then grabs her hand.

Thomas "Let's go" he says to her.

They continue to go towards the mini - bus.

Time goes by.

Thomas and Jennifer finally made it back where the bus was, they made it outside the woods, and they stopped with shock on their face looking at something, there was a smell of burning.

Thomas "You got to be fucking kidding me" he says.

In front of them, the mini - bus was there but it was caught on fire, and that's where the burning smell was coming from, Thomas was breathing very heavily as he doesn't know what to do, Jennifer had a worrying face.

Jennifer "What the fuck do we do now?" She asks him.

Thomas was speechless.

Jennifer "Thomas?" She calls him.

He then looks at her.

Jennifer "What do we do?" She asks again.

Thomas was looking around him.

Thomas "I don't know - I don't know" he says with fear.


They heard someone shouting towards them.

Someone "Hey!" Out comes a loud shout.

They look over, and they see on the opposite side of them, that Daniel and the rest of the gang was there.

Thomas looked happy and he was smiling.

Thomas "Guys" he says happily.

Daniel and the rest were walking towards them, they then crossed the road.

Non of the gang looked down the road.

On the road as they were crossing the road, there was a shape of the man in a cowboy hat and his truck behind him with the headlights off just watching as they were crossing the road.

Daniel then goes up to them, while Rachel was looking at the burning bus.

Rachel "Where do we go now?" She asks them.

Rachel and Daniel were standing together while Jonathon and Sarah were standing together.

Thomas "I don't know - get the hell out of here find some help, I don't know" he replies.

Sarah then takes a few steps forward away from Jonathon to get closer to the gang as Jonathon stayed at the same position.

The gang were still talking to each other.

Daniel "We have to come up with some sort of idea fast in case - he comes back - like we don't know where he is now" he was saying to them.

Jennifer was thinking.

Jennifer "Do you think we should go back? From the town that we came from?" She asks them.

Daniel "I - I don't know, how long would that take, I say we go forward, back to Bray we could bump into someone, someone that could help" he says to them.

Jonathon then grunts like something hit him, and he tense up.

The gang didn't notice the grunt happening, until Jennifer was looking towards his direction and seen something was off with him.

Jennifer "Jonathon?" She calls nervously.

Everyone the turns around looking at him, even Sarah who was the closest people to him turns to look at him.

They see he's all tense up, Daniel looks confused on why he's tense up.

Daniel "Jon - you know?" He asks him.

Sarah then slowly walks towards the rest of the gang, as she realises that there is someone behind him.

Jonathon was grunting as he couldn't move or speak like something was stuck in his back.

The gang then realises that there was a pair of shoulders behind him like someone else was behind him, they all looked nervous and scared.

Jonathon started slowly moving to the side, but he was moving someone was moving him to the side, and behind him was the man with the cowboy hat.

They could see his face, he had another person's face on his own face like a mask, it was one of the dead bodies face that they found.

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