Chapter 3

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Oh, every day
You feel a little bit further away
And I don't know what to say

- Close As Strangers, 5 Seconds of Summer

c h a p t e r 3: n i c o

After wasted moments of convincing, Jason managed to jerk the son of Hades from his thick slumber into a game of Truth or Dare. In which Jason also earned a threat for his early funeral and which casket would match his hair color the best. Nico had heard mentions of Truth or Dare ,yet being almost 90 years old he didn't make much time for the game. Jason explained the requirements and rules for the game as they roamed over to the Poseidon cabin. Crap.

Nico hadn't bother to schedule a time to converse with Percy after the whole incident of poring his heart out. Sure, Nico had moved on... yet that didn't seem to ease the binding tension in his throat. Nico's mind had cherished the first time he sprouted feelings for Percy Jackson...


Percy had just witnessed Annabeth Chase plummet to her death. Artemis was mentioned she may still be alive ,yet she possibly forced captive. Nico's eyes were locked on the young ,Percy Jackson. He had to know whether Annabeth and Percy were together. Nico had been broken too many times. He wasn't about to travel down that road again. Slowly he approached the son of Poseidon.

Nico was still bewildered about the gods ,he'd been preached about from past teachers, actually living on Mount Olympus. Hades- Hades was his father. The demigods he recently greeted informed him it may take days to know his father is. It only made since. Ever since the time with Xavier... no. He wasn't going to think of it.

He brought it up with Bianca alone ,but she quickly tossed away the comment. She practically bribed Nico to keep it hidden and contained. Bianca didn't want any of this. Nico could read his sister by now, after all, while they were at the Casino... it felt like years...

Percy came sauntering Nico's way with a curious face, Nico could get used to that. "Nico right?"

"Yep." he smiled uneasily then outstretching his hand in which Percy shook. Nico started by asking Percy various questions until his investigation ended with, "Is Annabeth your girlfriend?" Nico winced when it slipped through his lips. Instead of responding Percy seemed like all he was going to offer the boy was a nuckle sandwhich. Nico deciphered the reaction as a somewhat good sign.

*End Flashback*

Nico was aware that Percy and Annabeth were assigned to leave for New Rome currently ,but Nico had assumed they would have escaped by now. "Has Percy and Annabeth left yet?" Nico wondered shuffling slowly behind the son of Jupiter.

"Nope. They're leaving tomorrow, that's why we're hanging out now. We've decided it'd be cool to shove in a quick party before they to prancing down the beaches together hand in hand." Jason chuckled a bit, attempting to untangle the tension. Instead of diminishing it, he was simply increasing it.

Nico couldn't help but dash through scenarios that may possibly happen with Percy and Annabeth. What if they act like it never happened? What if they approach him about it? What if they're mad at him? What if Percy and Annabeth won't talk to him? Before he could conjure up any other incidents that may be achieved Jason was banging on the Poseidon cabin door.

"J-Jason I-" Nico started but was soon demolished when Piper jerked open the door with a cheeky grin slathered against her lips. Jason linked fingers with her leaving Nico to scramble behind awkwardly as they entered. Many demi gods were stretched across the beds, including: Annabeth, Percy, Clarrisse, Chris, Jason, Piper, Stolls, and... Will Solace.

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