Chapter 8: Part 2

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I've become so numb, I can't feel you there,
Become so tired, so much more aware,
By becoming this all I want to do,
Is be more like me and be less like you

- Numb, Linkin Park

c h a p t e r 8 : n i c o

The scenery stretching before the son of Hades was unbearably resembling his dreams. Nothing before him was different. His former visit was just as heart-wrenching. Beneath him, his feet seemed to waver, he stumbled before crumbling into the dust. Memories peirced his mind, accompanied by whispers.

He doesn't love you.

Why do you think you are?

Just die already.

Waste of space.

"Quit it!" Nico screeched, bolting from his knees into an unknown direction. The voices didn't subside, just continued to feed from his growing irritation. Monsters grumbles faltered to whip their vision in the young demigods direction. They're gazes simply passed, uninterested. Fire erupted from a lake, only feet away from Nico.

He paused to heave vital breaths, while the whispers shrunk in his mind. A pair of eyes met his, she was a young girl. About his age, with long light brown hair spiraling into a braid while his eyes were a chocolate mixture. Every inch of her resembled Nico. It took a second for Nico to produce her name from his lips, "Bianca..."

Slipping a smile across her lips, she pressed towards him. His body was frozen when she placed a cold hand into his cheeks, now erasing his forming tears. The faint smile she was possessing soon gathered into a bewildered expression, "What's wrong? Is my little, Fratellino, frightened?" the aged nickname only caused Nico's orbs to flood with more tears. His mind recalled the memories where Bianca would cradle her younger brother soothing him with Italian words, along with his nickname included throughout the words.

"Bianca..." was all he managed before he slapped her across the face with the hilt of his sword. She whimpered, flailing arms towards her injured cheek.

"Nico! Stop!" tears cascaded down her cheeks, as he advanced in the direction of his young sister. Unsheathing his sword, he halted at his sister's presence. "Please, Fratellino." Nico locked his eyes shut before shoving his sword into his sister's abdomen. The monster burst into golden dust, then Nico crumbled to his knees.

The amount of shadow traveling along with the energy required for survival, Nico was desperate to stay awake. Soon his body would collapse into slumber, but he needed to escape. Searching through his pockets, his fingers met the tingle of a gold drachma. His heart pounded as he approached the lake of fire stretched before him. It was worth a shot.

"Lady Iris, please accept my token." his sentence dispersed as he chucked the drachma into the obliterating fire. "Percy Jackson." he never imagined whispering those words again, part of him desired to call Will. But he was afraid the young boy would scold him then complain about having to sacrifice himself. Plus Nico couldn't ponder what he may do to himself if Will somehow didn't make it out... especially if it was on him.

"Nico?" a voice brought him back into reality. Dazzling sea-green eyes were planted on his own, Annabeth was etching into a notebook while Percy was wrapped around her. Percy wiggled from Annabeth, who delivered a puzzled look towards Nico. "What do you need? Wait- where are you?" he inched closer only to suck in a deep breath.

"Yes.... Percy, I'm in Tarturus."these words captured Annabeth's attention. Her pupils were now alert, aware of the circumstance. It was a long shot to call Percy and Annabeth after all they'd been through. Except he felt like he had no one else. Hazel would come racing in his direction, which he couldn't have. Will and Hazel getting hurt or worse- on his conscience would literally damage him.

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