Chapter 9

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I will not leave along,
Everything that I own,
To make you feel like,
It's not too late,
It's never too late

-Never Too Late, Three Days Grace

c h a p t e r 9: w i l l

{Warning: Partial sexual scene in here, it is implied that they have sex bit it stops before it continues any further. Sorry for those who were hoping for something more, make up your own story you pervs ;) }

"William Jacob Solace." it was a faint distant voice but it was calling for him. Coaxing him in a direction of pure darkness. Then a dazzling light appeared. Followed by a gorgeous figure. Aphrodite, her eyes were a deep chocolate color while her raven hair was flipped to the side with spiraling curls. "I'm offering to deprive you to Elysium, since you died in Tarturus. Except you must earn it. in order to continue, you've got to pass all three tests. It's all of your largest fears. Loss, pure pressure, and finally my favorite- passion."

How Aphrodite managed to know his greatest fears, he wasn't sure. The next moment he was crouching in the dirt sobbing over the gravestone in front of him. Nico Di Angelo, it read. The memoires came flashing back in his vision. He was hollering at Nico for cheating and hastily broke up with his fiancé. Nico was so depressed that night he went home and shot himself.

Then the scene shifted, people were punching Nico. He was calling for Will, begging for Will to save him. Instead of shouting at the others for beating him, unknown words were produced from his mouth, "Shut up, faggot." then he launched his fist.

Finally was his final test- passion.

Nico had linked hands with the son of Apollo. He was yanking him in the direction of Cabin 13. They had just arrived from their 5th date. This time was the time. Nico claimed he loved him just seconds before.

Will slammed the door behind him before shoving Nico against the cabin's walls. His hungry lips crashed against Nico's. Passion soared through him, but he couldn't stop. Nico allowed a moan to escape him when Will nibbled his bottom lip. Will's heart was pounding like a million drums. If he was honest, he'd imagined Nico sleeping with him- except this wasn't real. But nothing could stop him.

Nico curled his fingers into Will's hair as he involuntarily bucked against Will. Will groaned in response, suddenly growing rougher. Nico tugged Will towards his cabin when Will leaped onto his boyfriend. The two fought for dominance with their lips when Nico slipped Will's shirt over his head. Planting kisses down his neck, leaving a small hickey below his ear.

Will's back arched when Nico bit at his skin. Inside Will knew he wasn't fraud of this. He didn't wamy sex. It was one of his worst fears. He'd never enviosned Nico actually obliging to sex. Let alone when they weren't together in real life. But Will didn't want this- because if he started, he couldn't stop.

His fingers fumbled for Nico's shirt which was next to his on the floor in seconds. Nico spontanioulsy grinded against Will, who was growing stiffer by the moment. He needed Nico, and Nico needed him.

Now he was no longer afraid...

Then Will's spirit was drifting in the direction of an island... Elysium.


so this is the smallest chapter I've ever written, but I wasn't sure what to do for a Will chapter. I thought this was a cool concept especially since I'm sure you perverts enjoyed that small intense scene. Hopefully more to come.

Although I don't write full sex scenes, ya'll can come up with your own humping 😂

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