Chapter 4

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Two hours ago, Steven and I got to the stadium and had someone tell us what was going on with a little briefing; we got the list of names for the kids that would be in our group and our team color, Steven Smitty and I were blue

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Two hours ago, Steven and I got to the stadium and had someone tell us what was going on with a little briefing; we got the list of names for the kids that would be in our group and our team color, Steven Smitty and I were blue. We were happy that we were grouped together since they are the ones I can really stand; well, sometimes Smitty is hot or cold when it comes to my nerves, but it was better than the other options of players we had around.

We were told to line up at the front so we could greet the kids as they came in with their parents; we stood there for a few minutes saying our hellos and smiling at everyone walking in until I noticed a lady walking past one of the booths holding on to a little boy's hands, She was so beautiful it was crazy how naturally elegant she carried herself, her body was smoking hot her skinny jeans curved her nice tone legs and her hips, her blouse was cute and flowy. Still, it rode just off the shoulder, and seeing her collar bone exposed was driving me crazy; she has to be a big sister or aunt. There is no way she is a mom or worse, a married mother, and here I am, lusting for another man's woman.

I shook off the impure thoughts and started to slowly pay attention to all the little kids excitedly saying hello, a few stopping by to give high fives, and speaking to some of the dads who were fans of us and the guys. I was doing fine until I noticed that same woman again coming towards us with the cute little boy who really does look a lot like her. The closer they got to us, I noticed that he had on a blue lanyard, and I was a little excited to know he would be with us.

I watched them get closer, and then I see him stop in front of Steve as they interacted. I watched her smile, and I was mesmerized, then hearing her laugh made me immediately smile as well; it was contagious. Everything about her was alluring and charming; I don't see a ring on her finger, please let her be an Aunt; please, please, I'll start going to church, I say in my head as I see her shake hands with Steve and start walking forward again.

I noticed the boy paused for a second in front of Smitty and then to me as well; as I introduced myself, he had this adorable little stutter, and I couldn't help but chuckle. But as I was going to ask another question, they abruptly said their goodbyes, and as she flashes me a smile and I thought to myself, I'm a goner. When everyone was inside, we met back in the little conference room to grab the color vest we were given and were told to just stand on the field during the introductions.

I was able to scan the crowd and find out where that beautiful woman was, and she was surrounded by a few men with their sons all wearing the same color lanyards; I thought to myself she might have known them since we were told the organization tried to group up a few local pee wee teams together so they would have familiar friends around. However, the guy next to her looked at her in a way that annoyed me, which was odd because I was feeling protective over someone who probably is already spoken for. Women like that don't stay single long, I'm sure of it, I thought to myself, but then I remembered she talked to Steven, so I leaned into his side to ask a few things.

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