Chapter 13

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These past few days have been amazing to be able to spend it with Maria and Luke; I didn't realize exactly how amazing Maria was as a mother and woman; she would work at times 10-12hours shifts at the hospital, both night and day shifts at times a...

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These past few days have been amazing to be able to spend it with Maria and Luke; I didn't realize exactly how amazing Maria was as a mother and woman; she would work at times 10-12hours shifts at the hospital, both night and day shifts at times and still be able to make sure Luke's homework was done, and lunches made, she made sure dinners were done she was freaking wonder woman.

I thought my life was crazy and hectic, but to see this side of a woman made me love her so much more, single mothers are remarkable, and I had so much respect for her; she always made sure Luke and his priorities were first also the support and help she had from her families made me see why she loved them so much, she literally had a village in her corner. It was very obvious on how grateful she was.

I did my best to be there for her and Luke as well. I could tell he enjoyed the time with Steven and me, and we enjoyed it too; he really was a great kid though he was so easy to be around. The other day when he went to the gym with me was too adorable.

We showed up at the workout facility and seeing his little eyes shine every time Steven and I did our weights were adorable. "Whoa, can you really lift all of that?" he says wide-eyed at me before my deadlift.

"Of course he can, little coach; you see him on the field. He's like a running refrigerator," Steven teased, and I glared back at him.

"That is so cool! I wish one day I get as big and as strong as you!" he said with admiration as he looks back at me. "You will, bud! Just got to train and practice hard, eat good and be healthy" I smile.

I do a few more deadlifts sets, and so does Steven, and we head out to a little field to do running drillings with Luke and passing drills as well. Once we were done, we all headed over to a subway to eat since we were starving. We inhaled our sandwiches while we watched Luke nibble on his and eat his chips, we laughed at just how adorable he was, and he was growing on my heart just as how his mother was too.

When we were done, Steven went home, and we headed back to the house as well; as we walked in, we saw Maria in the kitchen making lunch, and I walk up to her and wrap my arms around her in front of the stove.

"Oh good, you guys are back hope you're hungry," she says cheerfully. "Ah, mom, I'm so full. We ate with Mr. Steven at subway after our workout, look at these muscles" we laugh as we see Luke flexing his arms.

"Oh wow! Be careful, or else you won't be able to come in through the front door," she says jokingly, but he grins, feeling proud.

"Yeah, bud, or else you would have to be like me and have to walk through the front door sideways," trying to mime the action causing them to laugh.

"Alright, well then, I guess it's just lunch for one then, but you both need to shower; you stink," she says with a smirk. I watch Luke run towards the hallway to the main bathroom, and we hear the shower turn on.

"Hmm, I don't want to shower unless you join me," my tone gruff in her ear, causing her to chuckle. "You already know, No showers together with Luke in the house cause you know," she blushes. I smile at how cute she is, and I nod my head.

"Alright, ma'am got it, I'll be good, for now," leaning in to kiss her cheek. I head into the master bedroom bath and take a quick shower; as I got out, I see Luke in the living room watching cartoons and Maria sitting on the couch with a bowl of her chili. So I walk over and sit beside her, and I rest my hand on her lap.

"Hey baby, I have a question" I look over to her. "Uh? What is it? Curiosity in her stare.

"Well, this Christmas, my family is coming down here, and I would like them to meet you and Luke if that is ok?" I say nervously. "Of course, handsome, I would love to meet them. Is it just your parents?" she asks.

"Well, it's actually everyone, so my parents, my little brother, and sister and her husband," I answered. "Oh, nice! Is that your brother who plays hockey??" Luke asks as he turns around from laying to the ground.

"Sure is, bud, actually He and my brother-in-law both play professional hockey" I smile back at his little eyes. "Cool! You know my mom used to skate!" Luke says proudly.

"Oh really? She didn't tell me that!" I looked back at her, surprised as she continues eating.

"Well, grandma and grandpa showed me pictures and videotapes, and she was beautiful and good" Luke shrug his shoulders. "Hmm, baby, why did you stop?" seeing her take her last bite. "Oh well, figure skating was more of a hobby; there wasn't a real career out of it, so once I got busier with college, I just stopped, I guess," shyly looking away as she answered.

"Hmm, you are just one big mystery, huh?" I smirk as we watch Luke turn his attention back to the cartoons on the television. "How about you? Judging by the hockey-playing in your family, you must be good too?" she asks me.

"Oh no, I am far from elegant on the ice; my mom and sister did refer my skating skills to a baby elephant on ice." I shrug, and I see her burst into laughter, and the sound makes my smile get wider; I love hearing her laugh, and seeing her smile is the best thing I can ever see.

"Well, I can wait to see that and meet your family. It's going to be fun," she says with a smile, and she kisses my lips as she gets up to put her bowl away. After a few minutes, she enters the room again and lays her head on my shoulders as we watch the episode of Tom and Jerry.

"So what does your family like? If they are coming, we need to get them Christmas gifts since they will be here and Christmas is like a week away." She says with her head still on my shoulders

"Hmm, well, my mom likes wine, and her kids, especially me since I'm the favorite," I feel her chuckle on my shoulder. "Oh yeah, you sure it's not just a rumor? I'm sure your other siblings might disagree!" mocking me.

"Oh, they're a bunch of haters, just jealous of all of this," swinging my finger up and down my body, causing her to laugh again. "Ok, Mr. Perfect, what about you, sister?" she lifts her eyebrow.

"Hmm, Allie, she likes music; she's a great singer," I say confidently. "Oh, nice, what kind of music?" curiosity laced in her tone. "well, we are a country family, little Darlin," in his country accent.

"But aren't you guys from New York," chuckling at me and my accent. " well, my mom and her family are from Texas. She met my dad when they were in college, and they settled down in New York because of my dad and his career, but my mom is still very much a country girl from Texas. Trust me; you will see" I smile back at her.

"Ahh, ok, hmm, I think I got a perfect gift for her then, does she like Blake Shelton?" "Umm yea!, hell I like Blake Shelton! What do you have in mind??" now curious myself. "you'll just have to wait and see, babe," she winks back, and I start to laugh.

After a few minutes, we wanted to go to the grocery store and get dinner ingredients. Still, Luke talked us into eating at a Mexican restaurant instead, I didn't mind going out to eat. Still, at times I can see the nervousness Maria gets when fans stop by and interrupt our meals she isn't rude about it but every time we do go out or get spotted a few times they ended up in little articles or tabloid papers. I understood her hesitation because wherever we are with Luke, she tries her best to make sure he's ok with it. Still, little does she know is that he loves the attention he smiles and waves to everyone he was a sweet kid the reporters realized that he was just an innocent, sweet kid they pretty much stopped bothering us for the most part.

After that, we went to the mall to get a few last-minute gifts for my family since this week was going to be busy for both of us, and we would not have time to do it, and next week is when they were coming. We got a few things and a few more Christmas decorations.

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