Chapter 40 - Legends Never Die

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Chapter 40 - Legends Never Die

Sorry for the delay! My Wifi cut out last Monday and I had to wait until I came to my Grandmother's house where the Wifi works.

Summary: Sadly, the plan failed. Ash encourages our heroes, and they recieve an offer of help from an unlikely person...
Warnings: Cursing

Feel free to play the video when you start reading, I tried to make the text line up with the lyrics.


Diego's POV:


The metal bars of the cage swung shut as I stumbled, falling to my stomach. With a click, the key turned, locking the cage. My friends were locked in here with me.

"Can't believe you guys thought that you could defeat us by just storming in here." One of our captors said. He seemed to be someone with high status. "Idiotic much?"

"Pfft. This so-called "All Powerful Crystal" couldn't even save you from your doom." The second man, also with high status mocked, holding up the crystal.

They walked off laughing as I sunk down to the floor of the cage, pulling my legs to my chest.

"I'm sorry, this is my fault. I should've been able to lead us in a proper attack." I apologize.

"We could've done better, but that was a well trained military, so..." John stated.

"(Y/N) wouldn't have given up..." Ash says softly.


Ash looks at me. "Legends never die. When the world is calling you, can you hear them screaming out your name?"

I stare back confused.

She continues. "Legends never die, they become a part of you. Every time you bleed for reaching greatness, relentless, you survive. They never lose hope when everything's cold and the fighting's near."

"We're trapped in a cage and we can't do anything." John states.

"It's deep in their bones, they'll ride into smoke when the fire is fierce. So, pick yourself up, 'cause legends never die!" Ash ignores him. "When the world is calling you. Can't you hear them screaming out your name?"

I think looking at the shackles on my wrists. The future of this world did depend on us stopping Asmodeus...

"Legends never die, they become a part of you. Every time you bleed for reaching greatness, legends never die. They're written down in eternity, but you'll never see the price it costs. The scars collected all their lives... When everything's lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat. Before it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream. Oh, pick yourself up, 'cause legends never die!" Ash continues to sing. "When the world is calling you, can you hear them screaming out your name? Legends never die, they become a part of you. Every time you bleed for reaching greatness."

"Legends never die. When the world is calling out your name." I say a few notes.

Ash nods in approval to me. "Begging you to fight. Pick yourself up once more. Pick yourself up because legends never die. When the world is calling you, can you hear them screaming out your name? Legends never die, they become a part of you. Every time you bleed for reaching greatness..." She trails off, looking at me as if expecting me to finish.

"Legends never die." I say.

They don't really have the power to destroy anything, since I'm holding the power of the crystal within me. We can still stop them, we just have to get out. I stand up with renewed determination, the others looking to me.

Clap, clap, clap

Slow clapping comes to my attention and I quickly turn around.

"Wow. What a pointless lesson." A girl that looks like Uza says sarcastically, as she slowly claps with an eyeroll.

"Uzza." John growls.

"We meet again. Congratulations on living for so long. I heard of your... pathetic invasion attempt."

"What do you want, fiend." Elijah asks with narrowed eyes.

"Oh, nothing much..." Uzza said, stalking up to the cell we were in. I scramble away from the door.

"Nothing much?" Ash asks skeptically from where she's been watching this entire time.

"I see you've survived the poison Diego. Pretty impressive, for a human." Uzza smiles at me and I feel chills go down my spine.

"What do you want." John demands through gritted teeth.

This time, Uzza looks to the right and left before sighing. Her demeanor completely changes as she looks down with... sorrow?

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to cause any harm, but I didn't have a choice." She says solemnly.

"Uh..." I can only stare, what was she saying!?

"Truth be told, I hate living the way I am. Asmodeus is forcing me and others to do things we don't want." She continues.

"You really think that we would believe that bullshit? You're a demon. You probably just want to lure us into a false sense of security to make things more painful later." John hisses.

"I'm being honest! I don't take any pleasure in torturing or harming anyone. Before I found out that you're a demon too, I didn't know that there were others like me." Uzza says desperately.

John glares at her, but looks away and doesn't say anything else. There is silence between the five of us for a moment.

"So you only came to apologize? If that's the case, you can go now." Ash says.

"No. I also want to make things right." Uzza says with determination.

"And how do you plan to do that?" Elijah questions.

Uzza smiles and pulls out a key. "With your help of course. Will you let me help you save the world?"

"Well Diego?"

I... have to make the choice?


Have a wonderful day!
Word Count: 923

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