Chapter 14 - Trade

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Chapter 14 - Trade

Summary: In order to obtain the shard, the group must make a trade.
Warning: Cursing


Third POV:

"You're not very polite, are you?" Somehow, John's rude remark halted any and all amusement the fairy-like creature had.

Her childless was gone, replaced by a glare and a feeling that she could, and would, kill everyone in an instant. It didn't help that John seemed to have a problem not being rude and everyone else couldn't talk.

"You're preventing my friends from talking and find it amusing. Isn't that just as rude?"

The girl was taken aback by this, not expecting him to reply so harshly.


"Now let them go."

"Alright, I was just having some fun." The girl shrugged, releasing the other three being from having their limbs controlled.

"Now explain who you are." It was a command, not a question.

The girl scoffed, "Why should I? You ate trespassing on my territory, on my land, in my state, without even asking permission."

"Fine, how about we tell you who we are and you tell us who you are. And we're sorry for trespassing, we didn't know this was owned by anyone."

"Hmm... okay, deal." The girl accepts John's proposal.

"Now will you tell us who you are?" Elijah asks curiously.

"No! You first!" The girl said childishly as she sat down in front of the four.

"I'm John, this is my brother Elijah and my friends (Y/N) and Diego." John stated, pointing to each of them respectively.

"We're looking for a shard of a crystal I buried here." (Y/N) continued.

"Cool! Well, I'm Mialuka, but call me Mia." The girl, which had identified herself as Mia, spoke.

"Well, nice to meet you, but we need to continue our search." Diego said politely to try and get Mia to leave them alone.

"Why'd ya bury a shard in the first place?" Mia asked curiously.

"To hide it from bad people who wanted to steal it." (Y/N) bluntly stated.

"Oh! Do you need help?"

"Unless you've seen a tan shard of a crystal about the size of a finger, no."

Mia's eyes lit up. "I've seen that! My friends and I found it buried on the tops of the rocks and we took it! That was yours?"

Worry filled the four friends. How were they supposed to get the shard now?

"Yes it was mine. Can I have it back?" (Y/N) asked.

"Well, what would I get in return?" Greed filled Mia's eyes as she thought of what they would trade for simply a shard.

"What do you want?" Elijah rebutted the question with one of his own, raising a brow.

"Good question. Hmm... what about something shiny and pretty like the crystal in return?"

"Alright, but then you give us the shard." (Y/N) agreed.

"Yeah, let me just go get it." Mia said, leaving to get said crystal shard.

"(Y/N), we don't have anything shiny or pretty." Elijah deadpanned.

"I know." (Y/N) replied, walking over to look at some rocks.

"And you can't conjure anything that would look like that to stay permanently. " John added.

"I know." She picked a small one up.

"What do you plan to do with that?" Diego asked curiously, watching as she observed it.

"This will be our trade." (Y/N) stated.

"That's.... That's a dirty rock." John stared in confusion.

"Appearances can be deceiving." (Y/N) rubbed a finger across the surface, revealing a beautiful translucent amber color.

The three stared in awe as (Y/N) reveals the amber color of the stone. She then traced an image of a flower into the stone, giving it the appearance of having been encased in amber.

"This should do." (Y/N) said, smiling at the newly formed gem.

"I'm back! Do you have what I requested?" Mia's voice sang through the trees as she neared them.

"Yes, right here." (Y/N) showed her the amber stone.

"*gasp* It's gorgeous!" Mia quickly snatched it out of (Y/N)'s hands, observing closely.

She was snapped from her observations by John clearing his throat.

"Oh right, here." Mia carelessly tossed a tan shard at them, Diego catching it.

The shard seemed to vibrate in his grasp, like they were connected. Diego stared at it, fascinated by this feeling.

"Well, thanks for the stone. Ta, ta for now!" Mia said, bidding them farewell as she flew away, leaving the four bewildered.

"That... was... odd..." Elijah spoke slowly after a few moments of silence, snapping all attention to him, and the situation at hand.

"Agreed, but what's our next stop?" John asked.

"Florida, we can take a plane. Diego, where's the nearest airport?" (Y/N) questioned the still mesmerised boy.

"Huh, what? Oh, I have to check my phone to see that." Diego answered, walking towards the bag he discarded to pull out his phone, shard still in his grasp. The other three had gotten rid of any phones that might have had to avoid detection.

Standing up with the retrieved phone, he quickly typed in their destination for an airport. Seconds later he found one.

"We can go to Stevenson Airport, it's only a four hour walk." Diego informs them.

"Four hours! Isn't there anything closer!" John exclaims in protest.

"The next closest is Evans Airport, and it's about the same time, four hours."

"Fine." John huffs.

Diego quickly placed his phone in his backpack again and had given (Y/N) the shard before the group walked to the airport.


(Y/N)'s POV:

The sun was beginning to set by the time we had arrived. Diego was exhausted, although he did well to hide it. John was whining again, the telltale sign he wanted a break. Elijah was composed, but I could tell even he was wanting a break. As for myself, I'd be lying if I said I was perfectly fine.

Thankfully, the airport was still open and I "booked" a flight for Florida. I just gave Diego a ticket for one flight while the rest of us hid our forms from humans and tagged along on some seats that happened to be open. It was the last flight the airport would send before they closed, and we managed to get there just in time.

Our seats weren't first class, but they were comfortable enough and the airline was kind enough to give complimentary pillows and blankets since they would be going straight to Florida. The flight time should be about half a day, meaning we'd arrive before noon tomorrow.

Diego fell asleep the moment he sat down after stowing his bag and putting his seat belt on. I chuckled as Elijah set a pillow behind his head and tucked the blanket around him. John was next to sleep, a little bit before the plane took off. Elijah and I were the only ones who remained awake during take off.

After that, I closed my eyes to relax and kept them closed for the duration of our flight, and may have dozed off. I'm not sure if Elijah fell asleep, but I think he did.

The next morning, we were cruising over the state of Florida, almost about to touch down.


Have a unique day!
Word Count: 1,213

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