Chapter 21 - A Private Plane

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Chapter 21 - A Priavte Plane

Summary: After telling their tale, the billionaire helps the group on their trip.


Third POV:

"That is quite the pickle you have there." Rondal said as soon as the four had finished their tale.

"Yeah, and now you let us go, right?" John asked. He still didn't trust the billionaire much.

"I suppose." Rondal took out a knife hidden in his jacket pocket.

The four of them instantly paled in fear.

"Oh relax, I'm just going to cut you free." Rondal rolled his eyes at their panic.

He chose to cut (Y/N) free first, since she seemed to be the leader. A single slash, and the ropes fell off of her. Randal cut Diego out next, then Elijah, and finally John.

"Now what?" Diego asked as he rubbed his wrists.

"Well since you have to save the world, here." Placing the knife back in his pocket, the billionaire traded it for the pink crystal he always kept on him. He carelessly tossed it at Diego, who fumbled with it before catching it.

"You're... you're giving it to us?" John asked, confused.

"You need it more than I do. Besides, I got an exact look-a-like in my vault. I don't need it."

"Thank you!" Elijah smiled at the billionaire, grateful for the shard.

"Your welcome, now as for your trip, I can give you a free flight to Niagara Falls and a hotel to stay at." Rondal offered.


"Sure, why not? Merely a few pennies to me, and besides, I don't quite wish for the world to end just yet!"

"How do you know we aren't lying?" John raises an eyebrow suspiciously.

"The ropes you were tied in prevented you from speaking a lie," Was the billionaire's simple response. "Now follow me!"

He strolled towards the front door,the others having no choice but to follow. (Y/N) put the shard with the others they had collected. Rondal opened the door kindly, allowing the four to pass before he led them to a sleek expensive car.

"Hop in, and I'll drive you to the airport."

Again, they did as instructed. True to his word, Rondal took them to an airport. However, it wasn't the one they came from, but it was a private airport for only rich people. Along the way, Rondal retold his tale of being a vampire to Elijah and John, which were confused on why he could stand in sunlight.

Arriving, Rondal pulled into a private garage and parked. The group exited the car and Rondal escorted them to the upper level of the airport, where people boarded the airplanes.

"Eddie!" Rondal exclaimed happily when he saw a certain elderly man.

The man, 'Eddie', turned to see who had called him. Spotting Rondal, he smiled. "Ron! What brings you here? Especially with these youngsters?"

The man appeared to wear a green-grey pilot's outfit and had a graying mustache that matched his graying hair. The four were intrigued with this new character, Diego and Elijah timidly waving at him.

"These are my friends. I was wondering if you'd take them on the Clipper to Niagara Falls. They have urgent business, you see."

"I've told you to not call it that, and sure. What kind of business?"

"Private business." (Y/N) was quick to answer. The man raised a brow.

"An errand for me. It's a private matter, as the young lady said." Rondal said, quelling whatever suspicions 'Eddie' was getting.

"Right. Well, I'd be glad to take 'em aboard."

"Wonderful! How soon can you leave?"

"I just finished my lunch break, it should take just an hour or so."

"Perfect! I'll go set them on the plane."

"Thanks." The man walked off after their conversation.

"Who was that?" Diego asked as the five walked over to a boarding station similar to one in a real airplane.

"Eddie, my pilot, his actual name is Edison though. You can trust him, he never fails." Rondal spoke.

The group waited just outside the station before Eddie came back.

"Farewell, and good luck."

"You aren't coming Ron?" Eddison asked.

"I'm afraid not, I have matters to attend to here." Was Rondal's parting words.

Rondal left, and the group boarded the plane. They gazed in awe at the first class quality of said plane, it was really impressive.

"Pick a seat and buckle yourselves down now, our trip to the Falls should take only an hour or two." Eddison said, leaving towards the pilot's cockpit.

Each of the four picked a chair and buckled in. The plane had started moving by this time, heading to the runway. It gained altitude steadily and was soon rushing to upstate New York.

Crossing the border, the four entered into a new chapter of their journeys, a new place to explore in a new country. Time to visit Niagara Falls


Have a great day!
Word Count: 819

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