Chapter 24 - A Helping Paw

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Chapter 24 - A Helping Paw

Summary: It takes some feline intervention before the brothers go after (Y/N) and Deigo.
Warning: Cursing


Elijah's POV:

I chased after my brother as he stormed who knows where.

"John! Stop!"

"Why! This is all a pointless goosechase, so why should I give care to anything!?" He shot back. At least he stopped walking...

"It's not that pointless... besides, what's the harm in it?" I finally caught up to him.

"I don't enjoy having to look around for shards somewhere that (Y/N) ''thinks'' they're kept."

"Why not?"

"It. Takes. Time. Elijah. Precious time we could be using to track down whoever is trying to take over the planet. Since (Y/N) lost track of all the damn shards, we have to go looking for each one of them."

"John, (Y/N) already said that she didn't think that they'd be needed again."

"That doesn't excuse her. She should've at least remembered it a little."

"(Y/N) did. That's why we're here John. Because (Y/N) remembers she hid a shard in Niagara Falls." I say sternly.

"So wh-"

"That's also why we've been to Monument Rocks, Florida, and New York." I interrupt him.

"Your point is?"

"My point is that you are making a big deal over (Y/N) not knowing the exact pinpoint location of a shard. She can't know exactly where they are, but at least she knows the general location. This could be so much worse if she didn't." I glare at John. It usually takes a lot to get me angry, so John knows he's messed up this time.

John sighs and looks away, seemingly defeated.

I soften my expression, placing a hand on John's shoulder. "I know that this entire situation upsets you, but you can't just blame it all on one person."

"..." He remains silent, but I can tell that he's regretting yelling at (Y/N).

I wrap my arms around him in a hug which he hesitantly returns.

"Let's go back now."

Diego's POV:

(Y/N) and I wander around the dark caves with only the shard illuminating our path. We've been walking around for who knows how long! It could've been days, weeks, months, maybe years! Although it was most likely only a few minutes, maybe just under an hour, since I'm not very thirsty and there's only a dull pain in my feet while walking.

At least there aren't any bugs.

"Another dead end." (Y/N) sighs.

'We'll be a dead end if we don't get out.' I think. (Y/N) seems to hear it anyway.

I wish we could contact the brothers, but I have no cell reception and I doubt there's any other way.

We both walked back the way we came, a tunnel which brought us as close to an exit as we could get. There were a few cracks of daylight in the wall, so we thought the exit must be close. I sit down to give my aching feet a rest.

"Isn't there a way we could contact John or Elijah?" I ask.

"No. Your cellphone won't work and I can't communicate telepathically with them." (Y/N) said, leaning her weight against the wall to try and think of some solution.

I sigh again.

Elijah's POV:

I lay on one of the beds, staring up at the ceiling as I try to imagine what (Y/N) and Diego Are up to. Probably having lots of fun exploring the caverns. The low buzz of the television audio is the only other thing I can hear in this room.

"Shouldn't they be back by now?" I wonder aloud. It's been a good hour...

"If (Y/N) can't pinpoint the exact location and needs Diego to use his ability to seek it out, I can only assume it might take awhile." John answers.

"Yeah, but it's taking so long..."


Another silence fills the room, the only noise interrupting is the faint sound of the voices on the television. I close my eyes and try to rid the worrying thoughts in my head. (Y/N) is fine. Diego is fine. They are both capable of protecting themselves.


Another 30 minutes has passed. No sign of either of the two. I'm starting to get really worried now. I've started pacing across the floor. If John noticed, he hasn't commented.

I pace for the better part of five minutes before stopping. Olympus crawls to me and starts tugging my pant leg to get me to move.

"What is it?" I asked, squatting down.

Optimus continues to tug at me, like she's trying to get me to move.

"Okay, I'm following." I say, standing as I walk behind her.

She takes me to the door and paws at it.

"You... want a walk?" I try. Olympus hisses at me.

"You want to go outside?" She meows at this, before bounding over to the window.

"Wait!" I run after her.

Olympus points out the window to the Falls.

"You want to go to Niagara Falls?" I ask confused.

Olympus hisses and points at me.

"You want me to go to the Falls?" Olympus meows again.

"Why! Is it because of (Y/N) and Diego?" I asked worriedly. Olympus nods.

"We have to go after them!" I tell John who's laying on the couch. The TV's on mute, some news guy blabbering away with captions.

"Alright." John slides off the couch, yawning as he stretches and turns off the TV.

"Finally! It's been too long now by this point and now Olympus is telling me to go too." I stress as I've returned to pacing waiting for John to hurry up and come on.

"Elijah, just calm down. They'll be fine. As long as they haven't done anything stupid and jumped off the waterfall, they'll be fine. Probably are just lost in the caverns." He shrugs at that.

I take deep breaths as the two of us exit our room and head to the Falls. Yeah, everything is okay...

Diego's POV:

We were walking again when (Y/N) suddenly stopped. She remained stiff like a statue.

"Uh... (Y/N)?"

"Help is coming!" She says, smiling as she turns to face me.


Have a peaceful day!
Word Count: 1,041

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