Chapter 17 - Sirens, They Can Be Really Annoying

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Chapter 17 - Sirens, They Can Be Really Annoying

Summary: Our heroes board a boat to search the ocean for the shard, only to encounter a siren.
Warning: Cursing and Blood


Elijah's POV:

"Come on, we've been at this for hours with no luck. Can't we take a break?" John whined.

"No." Was all (Y/N) said in reply.

We've been stuck on this boat for a while. After lunch, (Y/N) led us to a nearby boat rental and we borrowed a boat. We took the boat into the ocean to begin searching for the shard in the water, although without much luck.

Diego was testing out his sensing ability to try and find the crystal, but he hasn't picked up on anything. Worse, we get farther out to sea to look. There's a barrier of rocks that keeps us from going to far, so that's fine and dandy I suppose.

John had started to complain not that long ago and now it's getting on my nerves. I wish I could just tune him out, but I don't think that'll be happening anytime soon. Olympus was left back at the hotel. She doesn't like water.

I turn my attention back to the water in front of me and continue to search for a blue glow in the water. The ocean water here was remarkably clear, so we could peer straight through the water to the sea floor. According to (Y/N), since Diego was trying to find the crystal, it would respond and produce a faint glow.

I haven't seen anything out of the ordinary yet. Just some pretty fishes swimming by... and a... pretty... song...

Where... is it coming from?...

I look up to see if I can spot the source...

Such a pretty song...

I should follow i-

It's quiet.

Too quiet.

The sudden realization is like a slap to the face. The only thing I can hear is the song, the others aren't doing anything. Wearily, I turn to see why they aren't doing anything, preparing for the worst.


They were fine... just... staring...

Follow the song

Yeah... the music is so... pretty...

I don't notice, but I've slowly edged to the point of almost falling out of the boat, leaning towards the rocks. Where the music is from.


My hand is what touches the water first.

I... want to go to the rocks... where the pretty... music... is...

I slip and fall into the water with a splash, bubbles floating around. Something grabs my ankle and pulls me down. I still hear the music...

Two green eyes find mine and I'm entranced. Golden hair floating freely in the water and a gorgeous pale face smiles at me.

Pretty... Stay...

The music stops, and I jolt. Air! I need air!

The girl holds me in place firmly as I thrash, only dragging me down deeper, and deeper. She starts singing and the song is... so...

Sirens! The thought breaks me away from falling into the same spell twice.

No, I have to... fight and get... up... The lack of air is... going to... knock... out...

A flurry of bubbles appears, and I stupidly try to breath them like air. Failed of course, and I ended up choking on water. I was grabbed again -when was I let go?- and I immediately started fighting before I realized we were going up.

Up to air.

Almost immediately I began kicking to go up.

A force pushed me onto the boat once more, the hard wood a welcome comfort as I tumbled aboard.

I gasp as I greedily sucked in air, coughing out the sea water I swallowed as I slowly became aware again. A hand rubbed my back, easing my breathing.

After a few seconds, I had mostly regained control of my breathing. I looked up from where I was to meet the concerned expression of my brother. I briefly noticed the wet hair and water droplets that clung to him before John pulled me into a tight embrace. It takes just a second before I return the hug.

"Thank God you're alright." He said quietly after a moment.

"There's a-" I start, only to be cut off by John.

"We know, (Y/N)'s handling it."


"It'll be fine." John once again cut me off.

He released his hold and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around my shoulders. It was warm and dry, sending a shiver through my body reminding me just what happened- almost happened. I swallowed thickly at the lump in my throat wondering what would happen if I happened to die...

A chill went up my spine at the possibilities.

"What... what happened?" I asked meekly. "Wait... where's Diego!" Terror fills me.

"Diego's fine, he's right there." John points at Diego looking into the water, but with concern rather than a want to follow. I sigh in relief.

"And what happened was that a siren decided to appear and nearly drowned you. The rest of us were in a daze and I only snapped put when you plunged in the water. Then (Y/N) managed to mute the song so the rest of us didn't follow. I dove in and pulled you out, and here you are." John explains.

"(Y/N)... what about her?" How could I forget about (Y/N)! She's not on the boat, oh please don't let her be-

"Fighting the siren."

"B-But that's dangerous!" She could drown and die!

Before John could say anything in protest, a hand gripped the ledge of the boat and hauled itself up. (Y/N), like I did, sucked a deep breath of air in. Diego had rushed over and was helping her onto the boat. Her cloak thingy was off.

"(Y/N)! Are you okay!?" I blurted out.

She plopped down on the boat floor, before lolling her head to the side and looked at me with dazed eyes.

"The good news is we've found the shard." She offered positively, showing the cyan crystal. Diego wraps a towel around her.

My heart drops at the wording. Good news always comes with bad...

(Y/N)'s head falls down. At first I assume it's so she doesn't have to look at me when saying the bad news, but then I realize, this is the bad news.

I gasp as blood seeps through the towel and pools around her steadily.


Have a jovial day!
Word Count: 1,073

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