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   "Do do do de dum mmmmmm mmmmm" Taehyung was setting his bags down on his desk, making random tunes up and feeling in a energetic mood. He couldn't wait to see Violet, her reaction to his gift and how much she must have loved it.

He began to walk around the classroom; observing everything with arms crossed and his fingers stroking his chin lightly.

   The classroom had been the same formation for a while, checking his wrist watch there was plenty of time before students came so he began to work.

    The final screeches of desk halted and with a last breath taehyung flopped down onto the closest desk. Rearranging the desk was a lot more of a work out than he remembered maybe I should work out more.

    The desk were now in what you would kind of describe as a half moon. It curved outward so the middle of the room was almost enclosed by the desk but only on the sides and one half. He decided to let the students pick where they sat and make a new seating chart. But will assure that Violet doesn't have any boys around her as her seat is closest to his desk as always, only leaving one seat beside her available.

    Checking the time to see if it was close the bell rung just as he did. Rushing towards the door and opening it, expecting to see Violet waiting but instead was met by empty hallways. Strange.

    Propping the door open with a wooden block taehyung walked back to his desk. Pulling out a piece of paper and pen to begin making a simple sketch of the desk layout to put students names on. Kids began to fill in but still no sign of Violet? The energetic mood taehyung had slowly began to disintegrate.

   Wondering what happen to his love for her not to show up on a free sketch day- her favorite-  was beginning to concern him. Keeping a close eye on the door he waited until seeing one of his least favorite people walk in and look around before taking a seat.

   Nobody had wanted to sit right beside the teacher so nobody sat there, but he would have still told them to move as it was all ready reserved. Jungkook had taken a seat on the other side of the class, about in the beginning of the curve and was stretching his legs out and doodling in his book.

    The late bell had rang now and still no sign of Violet. Clearing his throat and standing up with a paper for todays objectives taehyung moved to the front of the classroom. Adjusting his clothing a bit on the way before pausing to do one final scan.

    "Does anyone know where Ms. Kim is today?"  His voice was slightly aggressive and he quickly cleared his throat to play it off. Everyone looked around some to see, some answering absent and some not knowing at all.

   But taehyung kept a watchful eye on Jungkook. His eyes were now glaring at his sketch book and his pen stopped moving. Leg shaking as a common habit and it was obvious he knew something.

   "Mr. Jeon, you and Ms. Kim are good friends would you know about her whereabouts?" He lifted his head like it weighed about a hundred pounds and looked at Taehyung, "She had a incident this morning and is ill. She might not come in for a couple days so I'll be taking any of her work home."

Jungkook seemed odd today. It wasn't his usual laughing, high spirited self. This was almost a negative energy almost radiating off of him.

   I wondered if Violet had told him what exactly she had found. Oh no. Did my gift scare her? I hope not. I'll have to send her some more then to help her get used to it. But nows not the time, I have to do my job.

    Taking a couple steps around I began discussing about what we are going to do today, free draw of anything you want but it must be either realistic slightly or a one line piece. But it must take the entire class period and you may listen to music to work well.

   Walking back to my desk I pulled my own sketch book out and a couple pens. I can't draw with pencils as my hate for anything I create makes me constantly erase. But with pens it's smoother and my mind can't undo what I already create.

   Putting one earbud in to hear Incase someone calls I began to do a one line piece of a woman with violets coming out of her eyes, ears and mouth but not the nose as she must be able to smell them. I want to represent my lovers beauty.

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