Ch 1: The Occasional Human Hunt

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I sighed softly, toeing the lily pad my friend Andy sat upon, blinking at me. "I wasn't invited again this year Andy."


Pulling my other leg out of the water, I rested my chin on my knee. "Im a witch too. Just like everyone else."


Frowning I looked over my pond.

It wasn't very large, but I could swim in it. It connected to a small stream that lead up the mountain.

It was nice.

It was peaceful.

The forest around it was filled with resources for spells and what I was sure had to be the absolute best mushrooms a girl could eat.

But... no one knew where my pond was, so I didn't pull many clients.

Even sea witches got sailors.

But nooo the star I was born from fell into a remote pond in the forest of the edge lands.

Making me born a swamp witch that didn't even have a proper swamp. Or clients.

I have only been invited to the yearly witches sabbath twice. Both times ended unpleasantly once other witches who tried to network with me realized I was not only the lowest classification of witch but I also rarely saw humans... much less sold spells.

Combine that with the fact that I have a pond, not a swamp, and I was practically ostracized from the community.

It didn't matter how close to a dimensional edge I was, a witch who didn't make deals and sell spells was no witch at all.

I flopped back into the mud, the distance splash of several frogs retreating from the sudden movement echoing after me.

I was bored of having my own Sabbath feasts with my amphibious neighbors.

They were nice and all. But they didn't take well to the idea of being eaten as part of the feast. I love my pond, I love this forest.

But sometimes I didn't feel like a real witch.

"BAH!" I shouted tossing my hands in the air, "I'm a great witch! I'm the first ever pond witch! Thats much better than a swamp witch, ponds are so pretty."

Ribbit. Andy hopped onto my chest. Big eyes staring in that cute barely focused way my froggie friends always seemed to.

...then he slapped my cheek with his tongue.


He hopped away, clearly not caring about anything other than the fact that he wasn't fead.

With a sigh, I rolled into the pond.


As expected no invitation arrived at my pond, today was the last they would be sent.

I huffed, ripping a roasted mushroom off a skewer with my teeth. I've spent years of my life perfecting my craft and creating new spells.

But nearly no one gets to experience them due to my location, and those that do often die before returning to human civilization. So word of me is not spread.

Either the climate got them, the animals and monsters that lived in the Edge Lands, or on rare occasions even the Fae themselves.

Much like wealthy humans hunt foxes, the aristocracy of the Fae people enjoy the occasional human hunt.

Those humans are often captured here in the Edge Lands and spirited to the faery realm.

They are a cruel sort of predator, the Fae, cold and calculating. I have only seen them from a distance but I have no desire to get anywhere closer.

From what I have seen, they are fast, much larger than I am, and extremely brutal. Every movement is graceful and lethal.

The first time I saw a faery was the first time I debated leaving my home for a more populated area. But witches don't leave their stars landing spot, not by choice. Its where our souls landed, where we pulled our magic from.

And when it came down to it, the very thought of leaving my pond was too painful and I couldn't bring myself to leave.

Even if it meant a better future as a witch, a safer home, I couldn't do it.

So, I would service the occasional human I met, I would swim in my pond, and I would avoid the Fae.

Nothing good comes from the Fae, not for humans, not for witches, not for anything alive in this world.



Obviously its gonna be magical af, incase u couldn't tell from both the title and ch 1.

Rue has been bouncing around my mind for quite some time and I'm really happy to finally share her with y'all. Like all my other books sooner or later this is gonna get mature.

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