Ch 3: A Swamp Witch

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Kian POV

I practically snarled, the wound in my abdomen spilling blood.

An ambush of twelve fae awaited me at my destination.

They thought twelve would be enough to bring me down.

I was not deemed the deadliest fae in history without reason. I was not put in charge of the winter courts army without reason. I am not called a living wraith without reason.

I created the shadow sect of the winter court and they only send 12 assassins to ambush me?

Ignoring the wound in my abdomen that should have already been healing, I barely had a scratch on me, six of them are dead.

I dug my blade into the chest of a fae that lunged at me, gripping his hair and using it as leverage to snap his neck.

Seven. Seven are dead.

I had wanted to skin the attempted assassin alive, slowly, just for the pure pleasure of it all as punishment for making me come to the mortals world.

I didn't get that chance. When facing an ambush there isn't time to really enjoy oneself.

Well... not slowly anyways.

Creating rivers of blood had a charm of its own.

One of my blades met the soft flesh of the throat of another fae.


The coward that had attempted to assassinate my brother had retreated the moment I arrived, likely to work on healing the wounds I had already inflicted.

Like a rat. He tried running and hiding away.

If that wasn't enough to tell me it was the summer court, the tanned skin and bright hair currently being stained by blood was.

Shades of gold, green, and blue dyed red with blood.

Honestly, we should just start turning the summer Fae into coats.

I slammed my foot into the skull of another fae, the satisfying crunch echoing in my ears.


I was getting bored and the wound in my stomach still didn't seem to be healing. That could present a problem if I continue to toy with these mice.




I flicked the blood of my blades, heading to where I knew my original target was, pulling him out of his hiding spot by his ankle. "What did you're friends stab me with rat?"

The summer fae coughed up blood, struggling uslessly to get out of my grip.

So I flipped him by his ankle, a loud thud and a yelp sounding as he hit the hard earth and found my boot on his throat, "I'm bleeding." I deadpanned, "that rarely happens. What was it."

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