Ch 12: Lucky to be a Witch

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I need a plan.

Cool mushrooms or not the land of the fae is a no go.

I realized that, shortly after I agreed to go with him.

I was probably walking into my own death if I did that, so I needed to take precautions.

His big and mean and obviously strong, so he would be useful if another faery tried to kill me...

...but something about the glint in in his eye yesterday was deeply unsettling.

I don't think he intends to let me go.

But he wasn't wrong when he said me being by myself would result in my death.

If I go I die, if I stay I die.

At least if I went with him I would have more time to figure out how to survive.

"Hey. Kiran..." I murmured over the fire.

He looked up from where he was roasting a rabbit he caught. "What."

"How long does it take to get to where we are going the fae realm?"

His alarming eyes narrowed, "you don't need to know."

That's a death flag waving in my face I was sure.

Chewing on my lower lip I looked away, turning my mushroom and frog leg skewer. I need to do something to make sure my journey doesn't end early on his whim.


I glanced at him again, an idea forming. "...all that activity you've been doing in the late summer heat must be exhausting... plus its a risk to your wound if it gets dirty. How about I show you to the stream where I bathe? Or you can use the pond."

The weight of his stare was beyond intimidating before he thankfully relented, "fine. After dinner."

Perfect. Absolutely perfect, people are their most vulnerable naked!


I creeped around the edge of the woods as Kiran bathed in the stream not too far away.

I glanced at his form, his back to me.

The deepest part of it only reaching the base of his spine.

I felt my face heat up as his long hair, now loose brushed over his well muscled back. Even from this distance I could tell those strange scars he had were also scattered on his back, the brilliant white somehow obvious even on his pale skin.

I hadn't fully noticed with him close and injured and murdery.... but I've never really seen men before... all witches were women and the few men I did see were severely worn down by the forest and the horrible creatures it hid. Injured, gaunt, dirty, or old. And never all that interesting to look at.

I crept closer to the pile of clothes he laid neatly out on a nearby rock.

Leather pants, a lightweight yet sturdy looking shirt and his boots, accompanied by a strip of leather I assumed he tied his hair with.

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